Geförderte Veröffentlichung
Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Intellectual Property Law in Nigeria (2nd edition)

A study of intellectual property law in Nigeria comprising Copyright and Industrial Property through an exposition of the statute law and case law focusing on decisions of the Federal High Court and the appellate courts, that is the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

Last Update: 03.01.14

The objective of the work is to provide a useful text for students while at the same time providing a concise general overview of intellectual property law in Nigeria for practitioners. The law in Nigeria requires urgent revision. The Copyright Act was promulgated in 1988. The Trade Marks Act was passed in 1965, while the Patents and Designs Act was enacted in 1970. It is therefore urged that new laws should be promulgated. Since TRIPS protection of intellectual property rights is now inescapably tied up with foreign investment, countries that do not have strong intellectual property laws and that do not properly enforce them are not worth investing in. In default of new legislations the book urges the courts to be proactive and not only interpret laws but where necessary make law. Some decisions that are insular in their conclusions are highlighted pointing out that intellectual property issues should be handled in a cosmopolitan fashion. Protection of chips and protection of plant varieties are not discussed because unfortunately Nigeria has neither legislation nor case law on these topics. Also there is a competition law gap. It is advocated that on-going efforts to fill the lacunae should be given priority and accelerated.


Project Manager

Folarin Shyllon

Main Areas of Research

Strukturfragen der Rechtsdurchsetzung