Miscellaneous  |  10/25/2019

Identity Valley: Digital Revolution Needs Digital Responsibility – A German Initiative For a Valuebased Digitalization

The Identity Valley Initiative is a European reaction to the dominance of the American Silicon Valley bringing together business, science and society to protect personal identity while still enabling digital innovation. Dietmar Harhoff supports the initiative as member of an expert commission.

Figure: IDV.

IDV brings together business, science and society to champion Europe as “the valley” for a credible, transparent and value-based digital economy. The aim of the non-profit platform is to protect personal identity, to promote mutual trust and to enable digital innovation. In understanding identity as the nucleus of value-based digitalization, it creates opportunities for a German-European digital economy.

The initiative creates a forum for entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, and citizens in Europe and wants to promote the trust between man and machine in the age of artificial intelligence. It is about value-based economics, corporate responsibility, a worthy coexistence of man and machine, and identity. Digital identity as well as products and services that respect and protect identities are a critical success factor for the future.

The initiative is supported by several experts from science, industry and society and by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as well as the Bundesverband KI e.V. (German Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence).

Dietmar Harhoff, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and head of the department for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research, explains: “We now need to develop new business models that work on the basis of a controlled approach to data while at the same time providing incentives for innovation. This requires new technical and legal requirements. The Identity Valley launches as a new organization committed to a trusted, privacy and personal identity driven data economy, derived from Europe's humanist tradition.”

More information under  identityvalley.org.