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Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research
+49 89 24246-553
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Intellectual Property and Competition Law
+49 89 24246-454

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Media Review
Debatte um CO₂-Zertifikate – Ablasshandel oder wirksamer Klimaschutz?
Article (in German) by Joachim Laukenmann about a study by Benedict Probst, Tagesanzeiger
Greenwashing? CO2 Zertifikate nützen dem Klima kaum
Article (in German) by Fabian Peters about a study by Benedict Probst, Basic Thinking
Ein globaler Markt für CO2-Zertifikate ist kein Ersatz für Emissionsreduktion
Article (in German) by Mirco Wolf Wiegert about a study by Benedict Probst, Tagesspiegel Background
CO₂-Zertifikate helfen dem Klima kaum
Are climate protection certificates just a kind of greenwashing? Unfortunately yes, says an international team of scientists. Their metastudy shows that the indulgence trade is of little use to the climate.
Article (in German) by Britta Domke about a study by Benedict Probst, Harvard Business Manager
Forschung und Innovation in einem Ressort bündeln
Opinion (in German), by Dietmar Harhoff, Research.Table, #219
See also
Wer "Innovationsministerium" sagt, sollte auch "Chief Scientific Advisor" sagen
The debate about a reorganization of the BMBF is ongoing. It would be rounded off by the creation of a new cabinet position.
Article (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda, Wiarda-Blog, 21.01.2025
Dietmar Harhoff vom Max-Planck-Institut spricht an der Uni in Ingolstadt über Transformation
Article (in German) on a talk by Dietmar Harhoff, Donaukurier
Klimakompensation: Projekte bringen weniger als gedacht
Article (in German) about a study by Benedict Probst, Solarify
CO2-Zertifikate: Viele Projekte zur Emissionsminderung sind nutzlos
Article (in German) by Gesa Steeger about a study by Benedict Probst, CORRECTIV Spotlight
KU feiert Dies Oeconomicus
Article (in German) on an event with Keynote by Dietmar Harhoff, Donaukurier.de
Report (in German) at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Cop29’s new carbon market rules offer hope after scandal and deadlock
Article by Patrick Greenfield about a study by Benedict Probst, The Guardian
Certificados des emisiones inútieles
Article (in Spanish) about a study by Benedict Probst, El Sur de Acapulco
CO2-Ausgleichszertifikate für Kommunen: Wie sinnvoll ist das?
Article (in German) by Simon Plentinger and Franziska Simon a study by Benedict Probst, BR24
Klimawirkung von Kompensationszertifikaten überbewertet
Article (in German) about a study by Benedict Probst, CircularTechnology
A la COP29, les marchés carbone se réforment. Pour le meilleur?
Article (in French) by Pascaline Minet about a study by Benedict Probst, Les Temps
COP29 Promotes Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Is the Carbon Market About to Gain Momentum Again? How Can Carbon Credits Can Reduce Carbon Emissions? (COP29推進巴黎協定第六條,碳市場又要熱起來?如何看待碳權的減碳效益?)
Article (in Chinese) by Lin Yuxuan about a study by Benedict Probst, CSR
Emissionszertifikate sind weitgehend nutzlos
Article (in German) by Katharina Menneabout a study by Benedict Probst, Spektrum.de
Studie: Klimakompensationen werden überschätzt
Article about a study by Benedict Probst, baublatt
L’impatto climatico dei progetti di crediti di carbonio è sopravvalutato: lo studio
Article (in Italian) about a study by Benedict Probst, MeteoWeb
Klimakompensationen werden drastisch überschätzt
A study has shown that a large proportion of the carbon offsets that companies and individuals can purchase are ineffective. Fewer than 16 percent of the promised CO2 reductions are being achieved.
Article about a study by Benedict Probst, zm online
Cooking the climate books: New peer-reviewed study finds carbon credit impact vastly overstated
Article by Jonathan Crook about a study by Benedict Probst, Carbon Market Watch
Relatório mostra a pegada de carbono gigantesca dos comerciantes suíços de commodities
Blog post (in Portuguese) by Marcos Pędłowski about a study by Benedict Probst, Blog Pedlowski
Treibhausgas-Emissionen kompensieren ist nicht sehr effektiv
Article (in German) about a study by Benedict Probst, Deutschlandfunk Nova
CO2-Kompensation funktioniert nur sehr mäßig
Radio feature (in German) about a study by Benedict Probst, Deutschlandfunk Nova
«Besorgniserregend»: So viel Greenwashing steckt in CO₂-Zertifikaten
Switzerland, companies and private individuals buy them to offset emissions. But the measures are often almost ineffective, as a comprehensive study shows.
Interview (in German ) with Benedict Probst by Joachim Laukenmann, Berner Zeitung
Neuer Rekord bei den CO2-Emissionen – doch es gibt auch kleine Lichtblicke
They are rising and rising: CO₂ emissions will reach new record levels in 2024 as well, according to the Global Carbon Budget report. This means that the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement is receding into the distance. However, two researchers highlight positive developments.
Article (in German) by Jenny Lepies about a study by Benedict Probst, t3n
US Diplomats Notch a Win on Climate Super Pollutants With Help From the Private Sector
Article by Phil McKenna about a study by Benedict Probst, Inside Climate News
Klimaschutzprojekte oft erheblich überbewertet
Article (in German) by Wolfgang Blatz about a study by Benedict Probst, Die Rheinpfalz
Climate impact of carbon crediting projects is substantially overestimated, analysis shows
Article about a study by Benedict Probst, Phys.org
Mogelpackungen im Klimaschutz: Emissionsgutschriften halten nicht, was sie versprechen
Supposedly avoided greenhouse gas emissions are traded in the form of credits. But these achieve little for climate protection.
Article (in German) by Patrick Eickemeier about a study by Benedict Probst, Tagesspiegel
Warum die meisten CO₂-Sparprojekte Luftnummern sind
Many private individuals and companies offset their emissions by donating to forest conservation projects or efficient stoves. A new analysis now shows that this saves far less CO₂ than claimed.
Article (in German) by Christoph von Eichhorn about a study by Benedict Probst, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Klimaneutral fliegen? Ein Forscher sagt, welche CO₂-Zertifikate taugen – und welche nicht
Switzerland, companies and private individuals want to offset emissions with surcharges. But the measures rarely work, explains Benedict Probst, citing exceptions.
Interview (in German) with Benedict Probst by Joachim Laukenmann, Tages-Anzeiger
Die Klima-Kompensation war tot. Kommt sie jetzt zurück?
Certificates that offset emissions are mostly worthless and do little to help the climate. Why the market could still flourish soon after an agreement at COP29.
Article (in German) by Tin Fischer about a study by Benedict Probst, zeit.de
Falling Walls: How Europe Can Strengthen Transfer and Innovation
At the annual Berlin summit, one question dominated: how can Europe translate research into innovation?
Article by Lilo Berg with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, sciencebusiness.net
Mehr Transferorientierung in der Innovationspolitik
Opinion (in German) by Stefan Groß-Selbeck and Dietmar Harhoff, Table Briefings
Study Confirms Strong Performance of New Model for Patent Analysis (研究证实新专利分析模型性能强劲)
Article (in Chinese) on the good performance of the Institute's PaECTER model in an NBER study, bio1000.com
Study Confirms Strong Performance of New Patent Analysis Model
Article (in Englisch) on the good performance of the Institute's PaECTER model in an NBER study, Tech Xplore
Weltbiodiversitätskonferenz - Fairer Zugang zu genetischen Ressourcen?
Radio feature (in German) by Renate Ell with contributions by Pedro Henrique D. Batista, Wissenschaft und Technik, Bayerischer Rundfunk
People Prefer AI Over Humans In Redistributive Decisions
Media response on an article by Marina Chugunova and Wolfgang J. Luhan in Public Choice
People Prefer AI Over Humans In Redistributive Decisions, TechChannel News
People Prefer AI in Fairness-Related Decisions, Neuroscience News
Ruled By Robots: Research Reveals People Prefer AI To Make Decisions, SCIENMAG Science Magazin
Online Experiment Reveals People Prefer AI to Make Redistributive Decisions, Tech Xplore
Research Finds People Prefer AI Decision-Making, Mirage News
Gemeinsame Lizenzbeschaffung – Diese Probleme löst die Automotive Licensing Negotiation Group
Article (in German) by Michael Vogel with contributions by Beatriz Conde Gallego, automotive IT
Shrouded in Secrecy: How Science Is Harmed by the Bullying and Harassment Rumour Mill
Article by Sarah Wild with contribution by Marina Chugunova, nature
Das Bild von Deutschland hat erhebliche Dellen bekommen
Interview (in German) by Oliver Voß with Dietmar Harhoff, Tagesspiegel Background
„Das Urheberrecht hat Innovationen nie behindert“
Interview (in German) by Monika Ermert with Silke von Lewinski, Tagesspiegel Background
Deutschland hält nicht durch
Article (in German) by Patrick Bernau with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Transfer und Gründungen an Hochschulen
Video (in German) of the Stifterverband with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff
DATI-Gründungskommission nimmt Arbeit auf
Dietmar Harhoff is a member of the founding commission of the new German Federal Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI).
Article (in German), bildungsklick.de
Wie wir alle Deutschland aus der Krise helfen können
Article (in German) by Patrick Bernau and Ralph Bollmann with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, and online edition
Ukrainian Science Is Struggling, Threatening Long-Term Economic Recovery – History Shows Ways to Support the Ukrainian Scientific System
Article by Michael E. Rose et al., The Conversation
Clicking against the Clock: How Time Pressure and Regret Influence Our Behaviour in Online Shopping
Podcast with Timm Opitz, Game Changer Podcast, TWS Partners
Innovation und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: wie Digitalisierung Chancen für Wohlstand schafft
Article (in German) with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, brandaktuell.at
Zwischen Klimaschutz und Technikskepsis - Wie entsteht Fortschritt?
Radio discussion (in German) with Dietmar Harhoff, Deutschlandradio
Notfälle & Co: Wie viel Datenzugang für den Staat?
Interview (in German) on the Data Act by Elena Metz with Heiko Richter, Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI
„Die Zukunftsstrategie ist schöne Prosa“
Interview (in German) by Manfred Ronzheimer with Dietmar Harhoff, Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI
Data Hint at Russia’s Shifting Science Collaborations after Year of War
Article by Richard Van Noorden with contribution by Michael E. Rose, Nature, News
Die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft – Spitzenforschung mit Freiraum
Radiofeature (in German) by Renate Ell with contributions by Michael E. Rose, Bayern 2, IQ – Wissenschaft und Forschung
The Fight to Keep Ukrainian Science Alive through a Year of War
Article by Isling Irwin with contributions by Michael E. Rose, Nature 614, p. 608–612, News Feature
SPRIND-Podcast #49 Dietmar Harhoff
Podcast Interview (in German) by Thomas Ramge with Dietmar Harhoff
Five Patent Highlights from Europe in 2022
Article by James Nurton on the SPC study, IPWatchdog.com
Data Act – where are we?
Podcast-Interview by Luca Bertuzzi with Heiko Richter, EURACTIV.com
Im Gespräch: Die Zukunft der Innenstädte
TV report (in German) on the relocation of the institute, BR, Abendschau
Future Medicine Science Match: Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit im Fokus
Article (in German) with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Tagesspiegel online
Wie Market Intelligence hilft, Marktdynamiken zu verstehen
Article (in German) by Daniela Hoffmann with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Produktion
„Wir müssen auch radikale Innovationen umsetzen können!“ – „Worin soll denn das große Erweckungserlebnis einer neuen Technologie bestehen?“
Interview (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda with Dietmar Harhoff and Klaus Uckel, jmwiarda.de
Homeoffice – Das neue Büro?
Radiofeature (in German) by Andreas Kuhnt with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, NDR Info – Redezeit
Agenturen versus Ministerien
Guest comment (in German) by Dietmar Harhoff, Handelsblatt, p. 10, and online edition
Artificial intelligence is breaking patent law
Comment by Alexandra George and Toby Walsh, Nature 605, p. 616–618
Drei Tech-Ideen, die die Zukunft verändern
Article (in German) by Leonie Tabea Natzel with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Handelsblatt, p. 24–25, and online edition
Endstation Universität
Article (in German) with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, p. 20, and online edition
Europas Chipoffensive: 43 Milliarden Euro für die Aufholjagd
Article (in German) by Moritz Koch, Joachim Hofer and Julian Olk with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Handelsblatt
IG Farben: Die segensreiche Zerschlagung eines Kartells
Huge conglomerates are emerging again in many industries, also in the digital platform economy. Organizing the economy in smaller units would probably be better, says Carsten Knop: A view into the history of IG Farben, based on the dissertation of Felix Pöge.
Article (in German) by Carsten Knop, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Was wichtig wird (Teil 3): Führen Agenturen aus der Innovationskrise?
Blog post by Jan-Martin Wiarda with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, jmwiarda.de
Das globale Impf-Versagen
Article (in German) by Claudia Bröll, Thiemo Heeg, Christoph Hein, Philipp Krohn, Roland Lindner, Johannes Ritter with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Warum die Impf-Solidarität nicht ausreicht
Article (in German) by Claudia Bröll, Thiemo Heeg, Christoph Hein, Philipp Krohn, Roland Lindner, Johannes Ritter with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, FAZ.NET
Angela Merkel: In ihrem Element
Honorary symposium (in German) on the occasion of the chancellor's retirement with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, DIE ZEIT, 49/2021
“Artificial Intelligence Systems as Inventors?” – The Max Planck Institute on Machine Autonomy and AI Patent Rights
Blog post on the Institute's statement, Blog der Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Ontario
Ganz oder gar nicht
Blog post (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, jmwiarda.de
Ausgründungen aus der Wissenschaft – Deutschland muss handeln!
Guest article (in German) by Dietmar Harhoff, Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft entwickeln, Issue 4/2021
„Demokratietheoretisch problematisch“
Blog post (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, jmwiarda.de
Was die neue Regierung anpacken muss
Blog post (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, jmwiarda.de
Baerbock polarisiert mit Verbotsthese
Article (in German) by Johannes Pennekamp with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Weg von den Ministerien
Comment (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Newsletter ZEIT WISSEN 3 and jmwiarda.de
Covid-Impfstoffe für alle: Was Staaten tun können – und wieso das Aussetzen von Patenten nichts bringt
Article (in German) by Reto M. Hilty, ifo Schnelldienst 08/2021, p. 12
Zu deutsch bei Innovationen
Article (in German) by Jan-Martin Wiarda with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Der Tagesspiegel, p. 21
Was spricht gegen das Aussetzen des Patentschutzes?
Radio interview (in German) with Reto M. Hilty by Simone Hullinger, Radio SRF1
Streit um Covid-19-Impfstoff-Patente: Ein Gespräch zwischen Bundespräsident Parmelin und der US-Handelsbeauftragten Tai soll Klärung bringen
Article (in German) by Lorenz Honegger with contribution by Reto M. Hilty, Neue Züricher Zeitung
Ein Ministerium, viele Agenturen
The entire research funding system must be restructured, demands Dietmar Harhoff, the Chancellor’s longtime innovation advisor.
Guest article (in German) by Dietmar Harhoff, DIE ZEIT, No. 20/2021, 12 May, 2021
Blut, Schweiß und Patente. Verhindert Big Pharma eine gerechte Verteilung von Corona-Impfstoff?
Article (in German) by Rainer Hank with contributions by Reto M. Hilty, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Impfungen für die Welt - Sollen Hersteller die Lizenzen frei geben?
Radiofeature (in German) by Hellmuth Nordwig with contributions by Reto M. Hilty, Bayern 2
Tauziehen um den Impfstoff
Article (in German) by Marc Beise, Elisabeth Dostert, Alexander Hagelüken and Hans von der Hagen with contributions by Reto M. Hilty, Süddeutsche Zeitung, p. 15
»Man kann nicht mal eben ein paar Wässerchen zusammenmischen«
Interview (in German) with Reto M. Hilty by Martin U. Müller, Spiegel Online
Mangel bei Corona-Impfstoffen - Rechtsexperte: Aufhebung des Patentrechts ist keine Lösung
Radiointerview (in German) by Sandra Pfister with Reto M. Hilty, Deutschlandfunk
Verheerendes Digital-Zeugnis
Article (in German) on the Report of the Scientific Advisory Board of the BMwI, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, p. 17
„Teilweise archaisch“
Article (in German) with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Der Tagesspiegel, p. 13
Altmaier-Berater attestieren deutscher Verwaltung „archaische“ Zustände
Article (in German) by Martin Greive and Till Hoppe with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff, Handelsblatt, p. 9
Fünf Fragen zum Patentschutz an Reto Hilty
Interview (in German) with Reto M. Hilty by Michaela Hutterer, Max Planck Forschung, p. 82
Missing Link: Covid-19-Impfstoffpatente retten die Welt – oder auch nicht
Article (in German) by Monika Ermert on the role of patents in the development of vaccines against Covid-19 with contributions by Reto M. Hilty, heise.de
Übertreiben die Volkswirte die Empirie?
Article by Volker Caspari with contribution by Dietmar Harhoff and Frank Mueller-Langer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Zukunftskommission rät Niedersachsen zu mehr Forschungsförderung
Article on the presentation of the advisory report „Niedersachsen 2030 – Potenziale und Perspektiven“, Wolfsburger Nachrichten
“Interfering with patent protection means playing with fire”
Interview with Reto M. Hilty by Michaela Hutterer, mpg.de
Patente sichern schnelle Impfung
Article (in German) by Reto M. Hilty, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, p. 16
Research Into Patents: Drilling Deeper on the Standard-Essentiality of SEPs
Podcast Interview with Dietmar Harhoff, EPO podcast "Talk Innovation", European Patent Office
Weniger Geld für Innovation
Article (in German) by Svea Junge with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, No. 38, p. 17
Corona und die Folgen für die Digitalisierung
Podcast (in German) with Dietmar Harhoff and Volker Zimmerman, Episode 1 of the audio series „Zukunft:digital“, KfW
Amazon ohne Jeff Bezos - geht das?
Podcast Interview (in German) with Dietmar Harhoff by Michael Wegmer, SWR aktuell
Sanfter Wachwechsel: So soll die Machtübergabe bei Amazon gelingen
Article (in German) by Alexander Demling, Florian Kolf und Christof Kerkmann with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Handelsblatt
Is It Time to Move on From the AI Inventor Debate?
Article by Rose Hughes with quotation from Daria Kim on the question whether artificial intelligence can generate inventions autonomously, IPKat
Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb nimmt Stellung zur Reform des Urheberrechts
Article (in German) by Helmut Hartung, medienpolitik.net
Munich Procedure Enhances Competition Among Patent Courts
Article on the evaluation of the Munich Procedure in Patent Litigation by Konstanze Richter with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, JUVE Patent
“Munich Should Be the Go-to Location for Patent Disputes”
Interview with Andrea Schmidt, president of the Munich Regional Court, on the evaluation of the Munich Procedure in Patent Litigation conducted by the Institute, by Konstanze Richter, JUVE Patent
Werte-Serie: Ein fast geräuschloser Wandel der Arbeitswelt
Article (in German) by Sylvia A. Menzdorf with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Neue Presse
EU to Launch Innovation Forum as Part of Horizon Europe
Article by Goda Naujokaitytė with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, in SCIENCE/BUSINESS
Missing Link: Patente versus Solidarität – Kampf um den Impfstoff gegen Covid-19
Companies are working on vaccines against the coronavirus. States secure access to it. But should money really be the deciding factor in a cure?
Article (in German) by Monika Ermert with contributions by Reto M. Hilty, heise online
Die Forschung kann nicht warten
Less time and money for research and innovation during the crisis: The German research and innovation policy suddenly showed unexpected dynamics. The new agility should be continued after the crisis.
Article (in German) by Dietmar Harhoff, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Der Volkswirt, p. 16
Kollege KI
Arbeiten nach Corona — Wie die Krise unseren Job verändert
Article (in German) by Helmut Martin-Jung with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Süddeutsche Zeitung, p. 16, and online edition
Wir müssen unsere Ziele neu denken
Guest article (in German) by Bronwyn H. Hall, ZEIT ONLINE
Viele sind sehr zufrieden mit der neuen Situation — Innovationsforscher zu Homeoffice
Radiointerview (in German) with Dietmar Harhoff by Kerstin Grundmann, Bayern 2 – radioWelt
Zu Hause ist es am schönsten
Comprehensive article on remote work: Out of necessity, a model has been developed that many companies want to stick to. Innovation researcher Dietmar Harhoff (MPI for Innovation and Competition) sees this as a huge experiment. Companies are now piloting models that would otherwise never have been used. There are great potential advantages: Large numbers of commuters (19 million in Germany) would no longer have to drive to work, and the cities would gain space.
Article (in German) by Simon Kerbusk, Viola Diem, Karin Ceballos Betancur and Kolja Rudzio with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, DIE ZEIT, p. 17 f.
Innovationsschübe und Homeoffice
Radiofeature (in German) by Frank Grotelüschen with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, NDR Info – Forum am Sonntag
Die verschlungenen Pfade der Innovation - Vom Entstehen wissenschaftlicher Ideen
Radiofeature (in German) by Frank Grotelüschen with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, hr INFO Wissenswert
Stellenabbau und Homeoffice: Wie verändert Corona die Arbeitswelt?
Radiofeature (in German) by Verena Gonsch with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, NDR Info – Redezeit
Wie die Corona-Krise die Arbeitswelt verändert
Article (in German) by Markus Balser with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff, Süddeutsche Zeitung, p. 1, and online edition
Can personal data be reliably anonymized for Coronavirus Tracking Apps
Article by Catherine Dunn, Wall Street Journal, with a contribution by Michèle Finck
Interventions in Patent Law During the Corona Crisis
Article (in German) by Heike Anger, Handelsblatt, with contributions by Reto M. Hilty
March 2020
Förderung exzellenter Wissenschaft und gesellschaftlicher Nutzen
Article in Journal Club AINS 2020, 9 (1), 6-7, on the publication “Science Quality and the Value of Inventions”.
Zukunftskommission Niedersachsen 2030
Digitalisierung, Klima Migration – Dietmar Harhoff zu den Themen der Kommission Niedersachsen 2030
Press Review (in German)
Neuronale Schätze
Article (in German) by Andreas Menn, WirtschaftsWoche, with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff
Curious Minds Awards
Interviews by Michael O.R. Kröher, manager magazin, with the winners of the Curious Minds Awards in the category "Mobilität und Energie". Dietmar Harhoff is a member of the jury.
Interview (in German) with Xiaoying Zhuang, a chinese computer scientist
Interview (in German) with Ulrike Kramm, Junior Professor for Catalysts and Electrocatalysts at TU Darmstadt
Dietmar Harhoff zum Bau der neuen Tesla-Fabrik im Raum Berlin
Press Review (in German)
Neue Innovationsagentur – Hoffnung für Genies und Erfinder
Radiofeature (in German) by Lydia Jakobi, MDR AKTUELL, with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff
„Die KI-Strategie der Bundesregierung wirkt wie ein Potemkinsches Dorf“
Podcast “Handelsblatt Disrupt” with Sebastian Matthes, Head of Digital and Deputy Editor in Chief of Handelsblatt (in German)
Regeln für Roboter
Wie kann der KI-Ausbau verantwortungsvoll gestaltet werden?
Video of the interview with Dietmar Harhoff (in German)
Interview with Dietmar Harhoff, published in Max Planck Journal 03/2019 (in German)
EU Copyright Reform
Media response in print and online media (February - March 2019)
Media Review
German Federal Government Installs Commission for the Establishment of a German Agency for Disruptive Innovation
German Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek and German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier appoint Dietmar Harhoff chair of the commission for the establishment of the new agency.
Annual Report of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI)
Media response in print and online media, TV and broadcast
Media Review (in German)
Wem gehören meine Daten?
In der digitalen Welt bringt Eigentum nicht viel. Datenschutz ist viel wichtiger.
Article by Rainer Hank, F.A.S. und FAZ.net (in German)
Die Geschichte eines umstrittenen Konzepts
Radio feature by Martin Schramm, BR2, with contributions by Dietmar Harhoff (in German)
EU-Datenschutzkonferenz: "Datenschutz allein reicht nicht zur KI-Regulierung"
Die Mehrheit der Teilnehmer der Konferenz Computers, Privacy und Data Protection war sich einig, die DSGVO reiche nicht zur Zügelung von KI aus.
Article by Monika Ermert, Heise Online (in German)
Datenschutz als Chance
Die EU-Regeln sollten nicht an Technologien wie Blockchain angepasst werden – dafür sind sie zu wichtig.
Guest article by Michèle Finck, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
Ausgezeichnete Ideen! – Wie bleibt Deutschland innovativ?
Radio panel discussion (in German) presented by Sonja Striegl in SWR2 Forum with Dietmar Harhoff
Die Reifeprüfung
Article by Armin Mahler, Der Spiegel, No. 42, p. 75, with interview of Dietmar Harhoff (in German)
The topic has been taken up within the scope of a panel discussion at the Spiegel conference FUTURA 2018, on 20 November 2018.
Video (in German): Die Digitale Reifeprüfung Deutschlands
Die armen Influencer
Auch wenn die Akteure jammern: Wer gegen Entgelt den Absatz Dritter fördert, muss dies als Werbung kennzeichnen.
Guest article by Frauke Henning-Bodewig, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
Künstliche Intelligenz: Wie Deutschland seinen Wohlstand aufs Spiel setzt
TV report by Fabian Mader with Interview of Dietmar Harhoff, Das Erste/report München (in German)
Digitalisierung als Achillesferse
Interview with Dietmar Harhoff in Megatrend Report M8 2018/2019
Bosch: Crossmapping the Future, p. 273–275 (in German)
Allez hopp!
Mit einem Satz in die Zukunft: Kühne Erfindungen werden vom Bund bislang kaum gefördert. Die Agentur für „Sprunginnovationen“ soll das ändern
Article by Jan-Martin Wiarda, Der Tagesspiegel (in German)
Mehr radikale Innovation, weniger Bürokratie
Neue Agentur für Sprunginnovationen
Radio feature by Michael Böddeker with Dietmar Harhoff, Deutschlandfunk (in German)
Wirtschaft ringt um Patente
Standardessentielle Patente: Mit dem Internet der Dinge explodiert die Zahl der Streitigkeiten.
Article by Daniel Delhaes, Handelsblatt (in German)
Unternehmergeist braucht Vorbilder
Die Zahl der Gründer ließe sich gezielt fördern, zeigt eine Studie - gerade bei Frauen.
Article by Michaela Hutterer, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
Künstliche Intelligenz wird zur Schlüsseltechnologie
Defizite und Chancen in mittelständischen Unternehmen
Interview with Dietmar Harhoff, KfW Stories (online) and KfW Magazine CHANCEN (print) (in German)
Staaten jagen einander Patente ab
Interview with Senior Research Fellow Fabian Gaessler
TV feature by Stefanie Knoll, Eco, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) (in German)
Von Eisbaronen lernen
Ein Beispiel aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zeigt: Wer sich auf dem Erfolg der Vergangenheit ausruht, kann leicht unter die Räder geraten
Guest article by Dietmar Harhoff, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
The Use of Copyright-Protected Creative Online Content by German Consumers
Interview with Senior Research Fellow Roland Stürz
Radio feature by Sebastian Filipowski and Miltiadis Oulios, Cosmo-Radio (WDR) (in German)
Jeder Siebte nutzt illegale Angebote im Netz
Forscher haben untersucht, wie sich die Deutschen im Internet verhalten – und ziehen überraschende Schlüsse
Article by Jonas Jansen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (in German)
Wer klaut, kann auch anders
Münchner Forscher: Wenn die Regeln im Internet flexibler und bequemer wären, würden nicht so viele Menschen Musik, Filme und Videospiele illegal nutzen
Article by Marc Beise, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
December 2017
Innovationen: mehr Ideen, weniger Bürokratie
In Deutschland ansässige Unternehmen zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Innovationsfähigkeit aus. So gibt die Chemie- und Pharmabranche jährlich über zehn Milliarden Euro für Forschung und Entwicklung aus, wurde aber bereits von China überholt. Warum Innovationen kein Selbstläufer sind, erläutert der Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb Dietmar Harhoff.
Interview with Dietmar Harhoff, VAA Magazin (in German)
Wie wird man Innovations-Weltmeister?
Kleine Teams, wenig Bürokratie: Der Konzern will beweglich bleiben. Fehler gehören dazu.
Article by Christof Kerkmann, Handelsblatt (in German)
E-Government: Digitale Wüste in deutschen Amtsstuben
Deutschland ist ein E-Government-Entwicklungsland.
Guest article by Dietmar Harhoff and Monika Schnitzer, Handelsblatt (in German)
September 2017
Deutschlands digitale Zukunft steht auf dem Spiel
Die deutsche Wirtschaft boomt, Forschung und Entwicklung haben in den vergangenen Jahren erfreulich zugelegt. Doch man sollte sich nicht mit dem Erreichten zufriedengeben, warnt unser Autor, Vorsitzender der Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) der Bundesregierung. Besonders bei der digitalen Infrastruktur und bei Internetangeboten von Behörden und Ministerien hat Deutschland Nachholbedarf. Aber auch die Hochschulen und junge innovative Unternehmen brauchen die Unterstützung der neuen Bundesregierung.
Guest article by Dietmar Harhoff, Max-Planck-Forschung, Issue 3 (in German)
Daten zu verkaufen
Die Politik will Eigentumsrechte schaffen und Informationen zum handelbaren Gut machen – ein riskanter Vorstoß
Guest article by Reto M. Hilty, Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
Innovationsstandort Deutschland - Erfolg durch Routine?
Innovationsforscher Dietmar Harhoff fordert mehr Freiraum für Querdenker
Radiofeature by Stephan Karkowsky, Deutschlandradio (in German)
Press Releases
Climate Impact of Carbon Crediting Projects Is Substantially Overestimated
A new meta-study published in Nature Communications has revealed that emission reductions from climate mitigation projects are significantly lower than claimed. The study, titled "Systematic assessment of the achieved emission reductions of carbon crediting projects," was led by Dr. Benedict Probst, Head of the Net Zero Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. More than 60 empirical studies were systematically reviewed, uncovering substantial quality issues with carbon credits.
Press release
NBER Study Confirms Strong Performance of PaECTER Model for Patent Analysis
PaECTER is a deep learning semantic similarity model developed at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. The goal is to identify similar patents and publications based on their text content. PaECTER out-performs all openly available models in the patent domain and performs well in the scientific domain. This has now been confirmed by a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Press release
Covid-19 and Intellectual Property: 10 Arguments Against a Waiver of Intellectual Property Rights
Are patents hindering the global availability of vaccines against Covid-19? In a ten-point Position Statement a Research Group of the Institute shows why a suspension of intellectual property rights would neither foster vaccine production nor lead to a more equitable distribution of vaccines.
Press release
Research Group Develops Analysis on Artificial Intelligence and IP Rights
The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to alter the parameters of the existing IP system. In an in-depth study, a Research Group of the Institute’s legal departments presents a broad overview of issues arising at the intersection of AI and IP law.
Press release
Position Paper on the Copyright Law Reform: Liability for Online Service Providers
The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection has presented a draft bill for the implementation of the new Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market into national law. In a position paper, the Institute provides suggestions for the design of the planned Copyright Service Provider Act.
Press release
Evaluation of the Munich Procedure in Patent Litigation – Max Planck Researchers Present the Results
The regional court Munich I is one of only 12 German courts responsible for patent matters. For the past ten years, the „Münchner Verfahren“ (Munich Procedure in Patent Litigation) has been an important factor for Munich as a patent location. It has been evaluated in a research project at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.
Press release (in German)
GRUR Int. – English Relaunch of a Well-Established Law Journal
The journal is now called "GRUR International" and is published exclusively in English.
Press release
Science Quality and the Value of Inventions
A new study by researchers of the Institute has now been published in the renowned journal Science Advances.
Press release
Technical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence from IP Perspective: 10 Questions - 10 Answers
A compact Q&A document highlights the technical aspects of Artificial Intelligence with potential relevance for IP law.
Press release (in German)
10 Years „Münchner Verfahren“ − Max Planck Researchers Carry Out an Evaluation of the Munich Proceedings in Patent Litigation
The regional court Munich I is one of only 12 German courts responsible for patent matters. For the past ten years, the “Münchner Verfahren” (Munich Proceedings in Patent Litigation) has been an important factor for Munich as a patent location. Researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition will now carry out an evaluation of the procedure.
Press release (in German)
A New Software for Research With Big Bibliometric Data
pybliometrics opens up new ways for users to get more quickly to large and growing amounts of data.
Press release (in German)
Artificial Intelligence, Abusive Legal Warnings – Newsletter #1 2019
The Instituts issues new edition of its newsletter.
Press release (in German)
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition hosting new “Journalist in Residence”
Michaela Hutterer to investigate the significance of net neutrality in economic and competition-law terms.
Press release
Research on Internet user behavior: Clear rules could prevent copyright infringements
In a recent study on German consumers’ use of copyright-protected content on the internet, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition reveals surprising insights and calls on policy-makers and businesses to act.
Press release
Mortal or Machine? Prizes for developers of automatic bot-recognition systems
The winners of the Munich Bot Challenge were awarded prizes at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in the Munich Residenz. The award-winning teams developed new methods to quickly detect and block opinion-generating machines, or “social bots”, on the Internet.
Press release
Innovation 4.0: Shaping a humane fourth industrial revolution
Redefining the place for ethics in the 4.0 era: The World Forum for Ethics in Business and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition team up for a conference series to facilitate the urgent need for a multi-stakeholder debate on ethics in innovation. The first conference of this kind will be held from 26-27 June 2017 in Munich.
Press release
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition hosts its first "Journalist in Residence”
Manfred Ronzheimer to investigate the renewal of innovation journalism in Germany
Press release
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition: Web Relaunch
With its new homepage, the Munich research institute places its new profile in the spotlight alongside its interdisciplinary work, diverse projects and publications
Press release
[IP]2 – Intellectual Property in Practice: “EEG Amendment 2014 – Boon or Bane for CleanTech Innovations?”
Panel discussion with leading experts at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Press release
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