Contributions to collected editions
Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Multilateralism vs. Plurilateralism in International IP Law: Lessons to Be Learned from the Failure of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

Geiger, ChristopheMultilateralism vs. Plurilateralism in International IP Law: Lessons to Be Learned from the Failure of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in: Christophe Geiger (ed.), Rethinking International Intellectual Property Law: What Institutional Environment for the Development and Enforcement of IP Law? (CEIPI-ICTSD Publication Series on Global Perspectives and Challenges for the Intellectual Property System, Issue 1), ICTSD, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development/CEIPI, Centre d'Études Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Geneva/Strasbourg 2015, 43 - 56.