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1620 publications found.

Journal articles

Ferrero Guillén, Rebeca Impresión Tridimensional: Retos y Oportunidades para la Cultura Revista de Derecho de la Cultura 2 (2020).

Journal articles

Galli, Niccolo Patent Trolls: Not All Bad Comes To Harm Dennemeyer IP Blog 2020 (gemeinsam mit Cornelia Peuser, Dominique Christ).

Journal articles

Chakrabarti, Gargi Geographical Indications - Analysis of Registered Products towards Improved Legal Protection in India Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 11, 1 (2020), 86 - 97.

Journal articles

Pauer, Nada Ina Strenge Haltung des EuGHs für "Reverse Payment Settlements" in der Pharmabranche Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 3 (2020), 109 - 117.

Journal articles

Endrich-Laimböck, Tobias Little Guidance for the Application of Copyright Law to Designs in Cofemel GRUR Int 69, 3 (2020), 264 - 269.

Journal articles

Antons, Christoph Farmer-Plant-Breeders and the Law on Java, Indonesia Critical Asian Studies 52, 4 (2020), 589 - 609 (gemeinsam mit Yunita T. Winarto, Adlinanur F. Prihandiani).

Journal articles

Feng, Chuqi Indirect Copyright Infringement due to Violation of Duty of Care of Internet Service Provider - A Legal Dogmatic Analysis Based on Article 1194 to 1197 Civil Code of the People's Republic of China Journal of Law Application 14 (2020), 71 - 84.

Journal articles

Podszun, Rupprecht Der neue Kartellsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs im WuW-Gespräch WuW 70, 4 (2020), 174 - 177 (gemeinsam mit Petra Pohlmann).

Journal articles

Chakrabarti, Gargi Geographical Indications: Ambiguity in Legal Provisions in India Delhi Journal of Contemporary Law 2 (2020), 17 - 23.

Journal articles

Beiter, Klaus-Dieter Not the African Copyright Pirate is Perverse, but the Situation in Which (S)He Lives: Textbooks for Education, Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations, and Constitutionalization 'from below' in IP Law Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 26 (2020), 1 - 79.