1621 publications found.
Creating Cyberspace - Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law Protection of the Web Designer zur Fussnote IIC 34, 2 (2003), 132 - 167.
Notarielle Prioritätsverhandlungen im Urheber- und Computerrecht Mitteilungen des Bayerischen Notarvereins, der Notarkasse und der Landesnotarkammer Bayern 2003 (2003), 3 - 10.
Die IT-relevante Umsetzung der Richtlinie Urheberrecht in der Informationsgesellschaft - ein Überblick zu den wesentlichen Änderungen Computer und Recht 19, 8 (2003), 553 - 557.
The EC Directive on the Harmonisation of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society - A Short Comment IIC 34, 5 (2003), 521 - 529.
Principles Governing Jurisdiction, Choice of Law and Judgements in Transnational Disputes: A European Perspective Computer law review international 4, 3 (2003), 65 - 72.
Protection of Graphical User Interfaces Under European Design Legislation IIC 34, 1 (2003), 50 - 62.
The ECJ´s Inspire Art Decision of 30 September 2003 and its Effects on Practice German Yearbook of International Law 46 (2003), 1277 - 1291 (