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1620 publications found.

Journal articles

Zappalaglio, Andrea Sui Generis Geographical Indications for the Protection of Non-Agricultural Products in the EU: Can the Quality Schemes Fulfil the Task? IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 51, 1 (2020), 31 - 69 (gemeinsam mit Flavia Guerrieri, Suelen Carls).

Journal articles

Zafrilla Diaz-Marta, Vicente Open Standards and Open Source: Characterization and Typologies Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15, 9 (2020), 700 - 710 (gemeinsam mit Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis).

Journal articles

Endrich-Laimböck, Tobias Little Guidance for the Application of Copyright Law to Designs in Cofemel GRUR Int 69, 3 (2020), 264 - 269.

Journal articles

Geiger, Christophe Reforming, Limiting or Repealing IP Rights: What Are the Insights from Constitutional Theory and Fundamental Rights? JOTWELL - The Journal of Things We Like (Lots) 2020.

Journal articles

Ullrich, Hanns BVerfG contra EuGH: Der PSPP-Konflikt Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht 6 (2020), 301 - 323.

Journal articles

Carls, Suelen Brazilian GIs Landscape: From the TRIPS Commitments to the Real World, What Was Achieved, What Is Yet to be Faced? GRUR Int 69, 9 (2020), 902 - 917.

Journal articles

Beiter, Klaus-Dieter Not the African Copyright Pirate is Perverse, but the Situation in Which (S)He Lives: Textbooks for Education, Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations, and Constitutionalization 'from below' in IP Law Buffalo Human Rights Law Review 26 (2020), 1 - 79.

Journal articles

Hilty, Reto M. The New GRUR International GRUR Int 69, 1 (2020), 1 - 2 (gemeinsam mit Josef Drexl).

Journal articles

Botta, Marco To Discriminate or Not to Discriminate? Personalised Pricing in Online Markets as Exploitative Abuse of Dominance European Journal of Law and Economics 50 (2020), 381 - 404 (gemeinsam mit Klaus Wiedemann).

Journal articles

Drexl, Josef Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Recht im digitalen Wandel Jahrbuch / Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften 2019 (2020), 93 - 103.