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780 publications found.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Fons-Rosen, Christian; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem; Sørensen, Bent E.; Villegas-Sanchez, Carolina; Volosovych, Vadym (2021). Quantifying Productivity Gains from Foreign Investment Journal of International Economics 131.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Akin, Ozlem; Coleman, Nicholas; Fons-Rosen, Christian; Peydro, Jose-Luis (2021). Political Connections and Informed Trading: Evidence from TARP Financial Management, 50 (3), 619-644.

Conference papers

Hagerer, Gerhard; Kirchhoff, Martin; Danner, Hannah; Pesch, Robert; Ghosh, Mainak; Roy, Archishman; Jiaxi, Zhao; Groh, Georg (2021). SocialVisTUM: An Interactive Visualization Toolkit for Correlated Neural Topic Models on Social Media Opinion Mining in: Galia Angelova et al. (Hg.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021) - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing Methods and Applications, INCOMA Ltd., Shoumen 2021, 475-482.

Discussion Papers

Aggarwal, Mayank; Chakrabarti, Anindya S.; Chatterjee, Chirantan; Higgins, Matthew John (2021). Research and Market Structure: Evidence from an Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogenic Outbreak NBER Working Paper 28840.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Fink, Carsten; Hall, Bronwyn H.; Helmers, Christian (2021). Intellectual Property Use and Firm Performance: The Case of Chile Economic Development and Cultural Change, 70 (1), 321-357.

Contributions to Collected Editions

Dorfleitner, Gregor; Hornuf, Lars (2021). Allgemeiner Marktüberblick in: Florian Möslein, Sebastian Omlor (Hg.), FinTech Handbuch: Digitalisierung, Recht, Finanzen 2. Aufl., 25-43. München: C.H. Beck.

Contributions to Collected Editions

Dorfleitner, Gregor; Hornuf, Lars (2021). Marktüberblick in: Thorsten Voß (Hg.), Recht der FinTechs (De Gruyter Praxishandbuch), Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Hottenrott, Hanna; Rose, Michael; Lawson, Cornelia (2021). The Rise of Multiple Institutional Affiliations in Academia Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 72 (8), 1039-1058.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Gaessler, Fabian; Hall, Bronwyn H.; Harhoff, Dietmar (2021). Should There Be Lower Taxes on Patent Income? Research Policy 50.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Wang, Lucy Xiaolu (2021). The Complementarity of Drug Monitoring Programs and Health It for Reducing Opioid-Related Mortality and Morbidity Health Economics, 30 (9), 2026-2046.