1623 publications found.
Europeanization, Regional Cooperation and the Challenges of Legal Transplants in Competition Law Kluwer Competition Law Blog 2023 (
Main Developments in Competition Law and Policy 2022 – Ukraine Kluwer Competition Law Blog 2023 (
Vagueness in Artificial Intelligence: The 'Fuzzy Logic' of AI-Related Patent Claims Digital Society 2023, 1 - 25, 02.01.2023 (
The 11th Amendment of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition - A 'New Competition Tool', Facilitated Disgorgement and the DMA's Enforcement Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 14, 6 (2023), 354 - 359.
Pharmaceutical Patent Law and Policy in Africa: A Survey of Selected SADC Member States (2023) 43, 2 Legal Studies, 331 - 350 (
Substantive Law Aspects of the 'Design Package' GRUR Int 72, 6 (2023), 557 - 565 (
Datenschutz- und Kartellrecht auf Facebook und andernorts – Anmerkung zu EuGH in Sachen Meta Platforms u.a./Bundeskartellamt NZKart - Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 11, 11 (2023), 601 - 604.
Revisiting the Framework for Compulsory Licensing of Patents in the European Union – Reflections on the European Commission’s Initiative GRUR Int 72, 5 (2023), 471 - 482 (