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4787 publications found.

Journal articles

Dermawan, Artha Text and Data Mining Exceptions in the Development of Generative AI Models: What the EU Member States Could Learn from the Japanese 'Non-Enjoyment' Purposes? Journal of World Intellectual Property 27, 1 (2024), 44 - 68.

Collected editions

Kim, Daria (Hg.) Rebuilding Ukraine - The Case of the Health Sector (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper, No. 24-02), Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich 2024, 59 S.

Contributions to festschriften

Kur, Annette The More, the Merrier? - Das Kumulationsproblem im geltenden und künftigen EU-Designrecht in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 369 - 379.

Contributions to collected editions

Dermawan, Artha Artificial Intelligence and Consensus-Based Remuneration Regime in Southeast Asia in: Law, Governance and Technology Series, Springer, Berlin 2024, forthcoming (gemeinsam mit Péter Mezei).

Journal articles

Dermawan, Artha AI vs. Copyright: How Could Public Interest Theory Shift the Discourse? Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 2024, forthcoming.

Journal articles

Wiedemann, Klaus Zur Zulässigkeit personalisierter Preise: Datenschutz- und Antidiskriminierungsrecht als Teil des modernen Wirtschaftsrechts WRP 70, 3 (2024), 296 - 305.

Contributions to collected editions

Kim, Daria Test Data Protection in: Paul Torremans et al. (Hg.), Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA 2024, forthcoming.

Contributions to collected editions

Sakowsky Ediboglu, Ezgi An Imported Problem? - Plastic Waste Effects on Türkiye’s Environment with Specific Emphasis on Relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements in: Sedat Gündoğdu (Hg.), Plastic Waste Trade - A New Colonialist Means of Pollution Transfer, Springer, Cham 2024, 217 - 246 (gemeinsam mit Sedat Gündoğdu).

Contributions to festschriften

Ullrich, Hanns Zur besonderen Verantwortung marktbeherrschender Unternehmen in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 1095 - 1114.

Contributions to festschriften

Slowinski, Peter R. Inter- und Intradisziplinarität in der juristischen Forschung und Lehre in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 753 - 765.