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5890 publications found.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Lohmann, Paul M.; Probst, Benedict; Gsottbauer, Elisabeth; Kontoleon, Andreas (2024). High Levels of Air Pollution Reduce Team Performance Journal of Economic Psychology, 101.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Lewinski, Silke von Das Urheberrecht hat Innovationen nie behindert - Interview Der Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI 09.02.2024.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Sele, Daniela; Chugunova, Marina (2024). Putting a Human in the Loop: Increasing Uptake, but Decreasing Accuracy of Automated Decision-Making PLOS ONE, 19 (2).

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Sele, Daniela; Chugunova, Marina (2024). Putting a Human in the Loop: Increasing Uptake, but Decreasing Accuracy of Automated Decision-Making, Oxford Business Law Blog 2024.

Discussion Papers

Drexl, Josef; Harhoff, Dietmar; Conde Gallego, Beatriz; Slowinski, Peter R. (2024). Position Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition of 6 February 2024 on the Commission's Proposal for a Regulation on Standard Essential Patents Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper No. 24-03.

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Sakowsky Ediboglu, Ezgi Depremden öğren(eme)diklerimiz: İnşaat ve yıkım atıklarının yönetimi (What we have (not) learnt from the earthquake: Construction and demolition waste management) İklim Masası 2024 (gemeinsam mit Sedat Gündoğdu).

Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews

Lutsenko, Anastasiia (2024). Threats to Science in Ukraine, Skeptical Inquirer 2024.

Discussion Papers

Rose, Michael; Jurikova, Katarina; Pelepets, Marina; Slivko, Olga; Yereshko, Julia (2024). Scientific Support Offers for Ukrainians: Determinants, Reasons and Consequences Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 24-01.

Discussion Papers

Byrski, Dennis; Wang, Lucy Xiaolu (2024). Marketing Authorization and Strategic Patenting: Evidence from Pharmaceuticals.

Conference papers

Herrmann, Liza Wettbewerbsrechtliche Herausforderungen durch international heterogene Gatekeeper-Regulierung – Plädoyer für ein strategisches Umdenken in: Johannes Buchheim et al. (Hg.), Plattformen - Grundlagen und Neuordnung des Rechts digitaler Plattformen (Assistententagung Grüner Bereich, 7), Nomos, Baden-Baden 2024, 143 - 162 (gemeinsam mit Lukas Kestler).