792 publications found.
Communication and Trust in Principal-Team Relationships: Experimental Evidence Preprints of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods Bonn/6. Bonn: Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.
(2015).Working Document II in: Youth Education and Entrepreneurship. Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, Culture and Education. Workshop Documentation 2015, 26-49.
(2015).Clean Technology Innovations in Germany: Human Capital Accumulation under Heterogenous Knowledge Inputs, Daten- und Methodenbericht zum DFG-Projekt ”Clean Technology-Innovationen in Deutschland: Humankapitalakkumulation bei heterogenen Wissensinputs“ (GZ: ZW 172/2-1).
(2015).Humankapitalakkumulation von deutschen Erfindern in Schlüsseltechnologien, Praxisbericht zum DFG-Projekt ”Clean Technology-Innovationen in Deutschland: Humankapitalakkumulation bei heterogenen Wissensinputs“ (GZ: ZW 172/2-1).
(2015).Reprint of: "The Regulation of Crowdfunding in the German Small Investor Protection Act: Content, Consequences, Critique, Suggestions" Rivista del Diritto Societario, 2015 (4), 767-788.
(2015).Covenants in European Investment-Grade Corporate Bonds Capital Markets Law Journal, 10 (3), 345-361.
(2015).Where Do Firms Issue Debt? An Empirical Analysis of Issuer Location and Regulatory Competition in the European Corporate Debt Market International Review of Law and Economics, 41, 103-115.
(2015).Analyzing Preliminary References as the Powerbase of the European Court of Justice European Journal of Law and Economics, 39 (2), 287-311.