Miscellaneous  |  07/15/2018

Artificial Intelligence – New Research Alliances

Digital transformation of economic systems in full swing

Many observers see this also as a transition to a data driven economy. However, data alone do not provide added value, they require processing in intelligent data analysis systems using new business models. Here, artificial intelligence (AI) will play an important role, since research funding alone does not create added value effects. Well-functioning AI ecosystems are essential to translate excellent research into societal benefits.

Short comment by Dietmar Harhoff and Stefan Heumann in ZBW Wirtschaftsdienst 2018 (7): 7 (in German)

Miscellaneous  |  05/30/2018

Eckpunkte einer nationalen Strategie für Künstliche Intelligenz

Eine nationale KI-Strategie sollte sich nicht nur auf die Erforschung einzelner Technologien fokussieren, sondern den Aufbau und die Förderung eines starken und international wettbewerbsfähigen KI-Ökosystems in den Mittelpunkt stellen 

Paper by Dietmar Harhoff, Stefan Heumann, Nicola Jentzsch and Philippe Lorenz, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, 05/30/2018

Download: Outline for a German Artificial Intelligence Strategy (pdf)

Opinion  |  05/30/2018

Position Paper on the German transposition proposal of Directive (EU) 2016/943 on the protection of trade secrets

A legal analysis of the conformity of the proposal with the directive and suggestions for improvement

Study  |  05/28/2018

Study on Supplementary Protection Certificates

A team of researchers around Roberto Romandini examined the legal framework of supplementary protection certificates (SPCs) on behalf of the European Commission. The Institute elaborated reform proposals which aim at more transparency and legal certainty.

The study examines the functioning of the system of SPCs established in the EU by Regulation 1768/92/EEC on SPCs for medicinal products (now: Reg. 469/2009/EC) and Regulation 1610/96/EC on SPCs for plant protection products. The functioning of these Regulations is considered in the context of adjacent legislation concerning marketing authorisation for medicinal products and plant protection products (Directives 82/2001/EC and 83/2001/EC; Regulation 1107/2009/EC). 

Within this context, the study focuses inter alia on:

  • the impact of the CJEU case law on the SPC system and the practice of the national patent offices;
  • the challenges posed by technical developments for the SPC legislation;
  • the impact of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court on the scope of the Bolar exemption;
  • the models for creating an SPC manufacturing waiver;
  • the interaction between SPCs and the unitary patent package;
  • the options for creating a unitary SPC.

Based on legal analysis, supplemented by a fact-finding process, the study identifies critical issues, explores possible solutions and formulates some recommendations.

The Study on the Legal Aspects of Supplementary Protection Certificates was published on 28 May 2018.

Study and Annexes: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/29524
Executive Summary: PDF

Miscellaneous  |  05/09/2018

Explaining Germany’s Exceptional Recovery – Science, Research and Innovation in Germany: 2000 to 2017

What contributions did science, research, and innovation make to the amazing turn-around and to the country’s new position as an economic leader?

Article by Dietmar Harhoff and Monika Schnitzer, Vox.EU, 05/09/2018

Download e-book "Explaining Germany’s Exceptional Recovery"

Miscellaneous  |  03/19/2018

Staaten jagen einander Patente ab

Interview with Senior Research Fellow Fabian Gaessler

TV feature by Stefanie Knoll, Eco, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, SRF, 03/19/2018

Miscellaneous  |  02/19/2018

Von Eisbaronen lernen

Ein Beispiel aus dem 19. Jahrhundert zeigt: Wer sich auf dem Erfolg der Vergangenheit ausruht, kann leicht unter die Räder geraten

Guest article by Dietmar Harhoff, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 02/19/2018 as pdf

Miscellaneous  |  01/23/2018

The Use of Copyright-Protected Creative Online Content by German Consumers (Radio feature by Sebastian Filipowski and Miltiadis Oulios, Cosmo-Radio, WDR, 01/23/2018)

Interview with Senior Research Fellow Roland Stürz

Miscellaneous  |  01/22/2018

Wer klaut, kann auch anders (Beitrag von Marc Beise, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 22.01.2018)

Münchner Forscher: Wenn die Regeln im Internet flexibler und bequemer wären, würden nicht so viele Menschen Musik, Filme und Videospiele illegal nutzen

Miscellaneous  |  01/22/2018

Jeder Siebte nutzt illegale Angebote im Netz (Article by Jonas Jansen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 01/22/2018)

Forscher haben untersucht, wie sich die Deutschen im Internet verhalten – und ziehen überraschende Schlüsse