Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Joseph Straus
Director Emeritus
Professor of Law (Universities of Munich and Ljubljana), Emeritus Scientific Member of the MPI for Innovation and Competition, Marshall B. Coyne Visiting Professor of International and Comparative Law, George Washington University, Law School, Washington D.C.
Areas of Interest:
European and International Patent Law; Protection of Biotechnological Inventions; Law of Employee's Inventions; International Protection of IPR and World Economic Order; Technology Transfer; IP Arbitration
Academic Résumé
Born 1938 in Trieste, Italy. Received Law-Diploma 1962 from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and 1968 Dr. jur. from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich. Habilitation in 1986 at University of Ljubljana. Private practise from 1968 to 1977; since then with the Max-Planck-Institute. Teaches European and German Patent Law at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich since 1990. Nominated Full Professor of Intellectual Property Law, University of Ljubljana (1986-). Visiting Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, N.Y. (between 1989 and 1998); Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, George Washington University School of Law (Spring 2001-5). Distinguished Visiting Professor University of Toronto Faculty of Law (2005). Author or co-author of more than 250 publications in the field of intellectual property law, especially in the field of the protection of biotechnological inventions. Consultant to OECD, WIPO, UNCTAD, UNIDO, EC-Commission, World Bank, Scientific Services of the German Bundestag and the German Government, as well as the European Parliament, the European Patent Office, the Swiss Government and the Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property. Vice-President German Association for Industrial Property and Copyright Law, Former President of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), Chair Programme Committee, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) (1997-2006), Chair Intellectual Property Rights Committee of the Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) (1995-2006).
Academic Prizes and Honours
Diploma of Merits, International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), 1991
Medal of Merits, International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI), 1997
Katz-Kiley Fellow 1999, University of Houston Law Center
Science Award 2000 of the Foundation for the German Science
Doctor Honoris Causa (Dr. jur. h.c.), University of Ljubljana, 2001 and University of Kragujevac, 2003
Honorary Director of the Intellectual Property Institute of the Tongji University, Shanghai
Honorary Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan (2005-)
Honorary Professor Tongji University, Shanghai
Honorary Professor Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, and Honorary Director of its Chinese-German Institute for Intellectual Property
Selected as one of the 50 most influential people in Intellectual Property in 2003, 2004 and 2005 by the Journal "Managing Intellectual Property"
Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, 2005
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law, Faculty of Law University of Toronto, 2005
Visiting Professor, Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property, Taipei (2005-)
Corresponding Member of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Art
Member and Vice-President of the Class "Social Sciences, Law and Economics", European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Member of Honour, International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), 2006
Inducted into IAM IP Hall of Fame 2007
Venice IP Award 2007 ("Premio Venezia per la Proprietà Intellettuale")
Honorary Professor, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 2009
Member Academia Europaea, Chair Law Section, 2009-
Chair, Standing Committee on Intellectual Property Rights, Federation of European Academies of Sciences (ALLEA), 2010
Order of Merits of the Republic of Slovenia, 2010
Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia (Ambasador znanosti Republike Slovenije), awarded by the Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Slovenia, 2011
NIPMO-UNISA Chair for Intellectual Property, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria
Ehrenmitglied der Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR), 2013
Recognition for the Lifetime Achievements by the Federation of Slovenian Associations of Lawyers 2017
MIPLC in February 2018 awarded the first "MIPLC Joseph Straus Distinguished Service Award" to Martin J. Adelman
Editorial Activities
Member of the Editorial Board of the Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Economics, History and Political Science, Turin
- Standing Advisory Committee before the European Patent Organisation (SACEPO)(1998-2009)
- Advisory Board of the Research Fund of the European Patent Office, Munich (1998-2009)
- Advisory Board of the Worldwide Academy of the World, Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
- Standing Committee "Intellectual Property Rights" All European Academies (ALLEA)
- Executive Council of the Center for Advanced Study an Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) of the University of Washington, School of Law, Seattle
- International Board of Assessors, Intellectual Property Research Center, University of Melbourne
- Advisory Council of the McCarthy Institute for Intellectual Property and Technology Law, University of San Francisco School of Law
- Arbitrator with the International Court of Arbitration, Paris
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Intellectual Property Office of the Repbulic of Slovenia (1991 - 2003)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Ifo Institute für Wirtschafsforschung, Munich (2002 - 2008)
- Member of the Advisory Board of Intellectual Property Rights Annual Journal, Peking
- Member of the Senate Commission on Basic Issues of Gene Research of the German Research Foundation (Senatskommission für Grundsatzfragen der Genforschung der DFG) 1993-1999
- Member of the Academia Europaea (2001-), Chair Law Section (2009-)
- Member of the Administrative Council, Center for International Industrial Property Studies (CEIPI), Université Robert Schuman (2001-2004)
- Member Advisory Board, Creative and Innovative Economy Center, The George Washington University Law School, Washington D.C.
- International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), President (1993-1995), President Elect (1991-1993), Treasurer (1987-1991)
- International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI). Programme Committee (Member 1992-1994, Deputy Chairman 1994-1997, Chairman 1997-), Co-Chairman of Special Committee Q 144 - Publications (1998); Chairman of the Special Committee Q 114 - Biotechnology (1992-1998). Member of the Executive Committee since 1982; Member of the Board of the German National Group (1990-)
- Human Genome Organisation (HUGO), Chairman of the Intellectual Property Rights Committee (1995-2006)
- German Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright [Vice-President (2005‑)], Member of the Executive Board (2001-) and Member of the Committee for Plant Breedings (1986) and of the Committee for Patent- and Utility Models Law (1992-), Vice-President (2003-)
- Association Littéraire et Artistique International (ALAI)
- Association for Comparative Law
- Member EU Commission’s Expert Group on Biotechnological Inventions (2002-)
- Consultant to the OECD, Paris, on Biotechnology and Patent Protection, 1982-1985; 1991, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000; Chair Expert Group on Guidelines for Licensing of Genetic Inventions (2004-2006)
- Consultant to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva, on Questions of Industrial Property Protection of Biotechnological Inventions, 1985, 1986 and 1999
- Consultant to the Commission of the European Economic Community for the preparation of the Draft for a Council Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions, 1987-1989; On the Future European Patent System, 1995-1996; and on "Strategic Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in the Context of Technology Policy" (ETAN Working Group) (1998-1999)
- Consultant to the Scientific Service of the German Bundestag (Parliament), 1996
- Consultant to the European Patent Organisation on the Introduction of a Grace Period, 2000
- Consultant to the German Federal Ministry of Justice, 2000
- Consultant to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva, on the Impact of technological and commercial changes on policies and legislation affecting the creation and transfer of technologies, 1987/1988
- Consultant to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, 1989
- Consultant to the World Bank, Washington D.C., 1991
- Member of the Advisory Panel for the Human Genome Project and Patenting DNA Sequences, Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), Congress of the United States, 1993-1994
- Consultant to the Ministry for Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia on the legislation in the field of employees' inventions, 1993-1994
- Member of the Working Group of the Conference of the Presidents of German Universities (Deutsche Hochschulrektorenkonferenz) for the Preparation of Recommendations aimed to Incent Patent Applications from Universities and other Institutions of Higher Professional Education in Germany (Präsidial-Arbeitsgruppe zur Vorbereitung von Empfehlungen zur Förderung der Patentanmeldungen aus den Universitäten und Fachhochschulen in Deutschland) 1996
- Member of the Working Group on Bio-Sciences of the Technology Council of The German Federal Chancellor (Bundeskanzler) 1996
- Testified as Expert before the ”Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizen’s Rights”, European Parliament, Brussels, June 10, 1996
- Testified as Expert (”Auskunftsperson”) before the Special Committee on ”Gentechnik-Volksbegehren” of the Austrian Parliament, Vienna, October 24, 1997
- Testified as Expert before the Committee on Legal Affairs of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on the Protection of Spare Parts by Design Law, Berlin, September 24, 2003
- Testified as Expert before the Committee on Legal Affairs of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on Issues of Patenting Biotechnological Inventions, Berlin, September 29, 2004
- Member of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center’s List of Neutrals
- Foreign Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei („socio straniero“) (2017-)
- Elected Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBIH), Sarajevo, December 2018
- Chief Expert of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Overseas Expertise Introduction Center for Intellectual Property Discipline Innovation in the New Era of Science & Technology Revolution, Wuhan (2018-)
German, English, French, Italian, Slovene
Selected Publications
Biotechnology and Patent Protection. An International Review (in coll. with F. K. Beier and R. S. Crespi), OECD Paris 1985 = Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi 1986 = Biotechnologie et protection par brevet: Une analyse internationale, OCDE Paris 1985 = Biotechnologie und Patentschutz. Eine internationale Untersuchung der OECD. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim/Deerfield Beach, Florida/Basel 1986 = Baiotekunorojí to tokkyo hogo - Kokusaiteki rebyū Hatsumei Kyōkai, Tokyo 1987
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Aktuelle Herausforderungen des Geistigen Eigentums, Festgabe von Freunden und Mitarbeitern für Friedrich-Karl Beier zum 70. Geburtstag (Ed.), Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln etc. 1996
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Grace Period and the European and International Patent Law - Analysis of Key Legal and Socio-Economic Aspects, Vol. 20 IIC-Studies, Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 2001
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Intellectual Property in Asia: Law, Economics, History and Politics, (co-edited with P. Goldstein, associate editors P. Ganea, T. Garde, A. Issacson Wooley), Springer Publisher, Berlin-Heidelberg 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-89701-9; I-ISBN 978-3-540-89702-6
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The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy (Editor), Springer Publisher, Berlin-Heidelberg 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-92680-1
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A Marriage of Convenience: World Economy and Intellectual Property From 1990 to 2012, AIPLA Quarterly Journal, Volume 40, No. 4, Fall 2012, pp. 633-683
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Ordre Public and Morality Issues in Patent Eligibility, in: Toshiko Takenaka (ed.), Intellectual Property in Common Law and Civil Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK-Northampton, MA, USA, 2013, ISBN 978-0-85793 4369, pp. 19-49
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The 'Bolar' Exemption and the Supply of Patented Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to Generic Drug Producers - An Attempt to Interpret Article 10 Paragraph 6 of the Council Directive 2004/27/EC, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2014, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 895-908
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Can Antitrust Adequately Assess Patent Settlement Agreements Disconnected from Patent Law Relevant Facts? - The Servier Case – Its Public Perception and its Underlying Facts, (2016) 38 E.I.P.R., Issue 9, pp. 533-544
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Patentability and Scientific Progress: Modern Biotechnology as an Example, in: Giurisprudenza e Scienza, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, "Atti dei Convegni Lincei" 310, Bardi Edizioni, Rome, 2017, pp. 199-240, ISSN: 0391-805X, ISBN: 978-88-218-1146-3
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Intellectual Property Rights and Bioeconomy, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP), Oxford University Press, (DOI 10.1093-jiplp/jpx059), Volume 12, No. 7, 2017, pp. 576-590
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Full List of Publications
Edited Works
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen. Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 30.
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen. Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 29.
Leading Court Cases on European Intellectual Property (Tongji IP Series), Intellectual Property Publishing House, Beijing 2011, 1282
Intellectual Property in Asia. Law, Economics, History and Politics (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, 9), Springer, Berlin 2009, XVIII + 357
The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, 10), Springer, Berlin 2009, XXI + 177
Patentschutz und Stammzellforschung. Internationale und rechtsvergleichende Aspekte (MPI Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, 13), Springer, Berlin 2009, XII + 121
Abhandlungen zum Urheber- und Kommunikationsrecht des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht, München, Nomos, Baden-Baden,
- 2002 - 2005 unter dem Titel Urheberrechtliche Abhandlungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht erschienen
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen. Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 28.
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen. Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 27.
Das Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Patent-, Urheber-, und Wettbewerbsrecht, München, im Spiegel seiner Veröffentlichungen. Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.mult. Gerhard Schricker zu seiner Emeritierung gewidmet, Beck, München 2003, XXIII + 258
Im Dienste des Geistigen Eigentums. Festansprachen aus Anlass der Emeritierung von Professor Dr. jur. Dr. jur. h.c.mult. Gerhard Schricker und des 100. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. jur. h.c. Eugen Ulmer, 26. Juni 2003, Max-Planck-Ges., München 2003, 42
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen, Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 26.
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen. Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 25.
Europäisches Patentübereinkommen. Münchner Gemeinschaftskommentar, 24.
Aktuelle Herausforderungen des geistigen Eigentums - Festgabe von Freunden und Mitarbeitern für Friedrich-Karl Beier zum 70. Geburtstag, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln; Berlin; Bonn; München 1996, XIX + 654
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil. GRUR Int; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Beck, München (
IIC. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Beck, München (
IIC Studies. Studies in Industrial Property and Copyright Law, Hart Publ., Oxford (
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil. GRUR Int; Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Beck, München, 2012 - 2019 (
Books and Monographs
Optionen bei der Umsetzung der Richtlinie EG 98/44 über den rechtlichen Schutz biotechnologischer Erfindungen (Publikation / Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum <Bern>, 2), Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Bern 2004, 73
Genetic Inventions and Patent Law.An Empirical Survey of Selected German R & D Institutions, VMD Verl., München 2004, 53
Software-Patente. Eine empirische Analyse aus ökonomischer und juristischer Perspektive (Technik, Wirtschaft und Politk, 49), Physica-Verl., Heidelberg 2003, XII + 266
Parallelimporte - Erschöpfung des Patentrechts, BBL, Bern 2003, XV + 64 + 30
Grace period and the European and international patent law - analysis of key legal and socio-economic aspects (IIC-Studies, 20), Verlag C.H. Beck, München 2001, XV + 114
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz für biotechnologische Erfindungen - Analyse einiger Grundsatzfragen, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln/Berlin/Bonn/München 1987, X + 86
- English version: Industrial Property Protection of Biotechnological Inventions. Analysis of Certain Basic Issues, World Intellectual Property Organization Document BIG/281, Geneva 1985
- French version: La protection par le moyen de la propriété industrielle des inventions biotechnologiques – Analyse de certaines questions fondamentales, Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle, Genève 1985
- Spanish version: La protección de las invenciones biotechnologicas por la propiedad industrial – Analisis de ciertas cuestiones basicas, Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual, Ginebra 1985 (1986)
Biotechnology and Patent Protection. An International Review, OECD, Paris 1985, 133
- Also published in French: Biotechnologie et protection par brevet: Une analyse internationale, OCDE Paris 1985
- Also published in German: Biotechnologie und Patentschutz. Eine internationale Untersuchung der OECD. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim/Deerfield Beach, Florida/Basel 1986
- Also published in Japanese: Baiotekunorojí to tokkyo hogo - Kokusaiteki rebyū Hatsumei Kyōkai, Tokyo 1987
Der Schutz wissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse. Zugleich eine Würdigung des Genfer Vertrages über die internationale Eintragung wissenschaftlicher Entdeckungen, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim; Deerfield Beach, Florida; Basel 1982, VIII + 116
Das Wettbewerbsrecht in Jugoslawien - eine entwicklungsgeschichtliche und systematische Darstellung mit Hinweisen auf das deutsche Recht (Schriftenreihe zum gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, 19), Carl Heymanns Verlag, Köln; Berlin; Bonn; München 1970, XXVIII + 256
Contributions to Collected Editions, Commentaries, Handbooks and Encyclopaedias
Fritz Machlup's "Legacy", in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 789 - 806. DOI
- A “verdict” on the economic value of the patent system of the US economist Fritz Machlup published in 1958 still has an important impact on assessing the economic effects of the patent system on economic development by academic intellectual property (IP) scholars worldwide. This contribution analysis Machlup’s study as is and in the light of subsequent US and global legal and economic developments. Based on empirical data, it pays attention to the impact of the US Bayh-Dole type legislation on the translation of basic research into innovative products and processes, as well as to the impact of the new world economic order under the auspices of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on economic development of developing and emerging economies. All largely ignored in critical academic writings, discussing, e.g. the specific problem of patenting human genes. The case of China, which adopted its first Patent Law in 1984, addressed in the context of Machlup’s verdict and in light of the subsequent economic, scientific and technological development of that country. Concluding thoughts consider today’s value of Machlup’s “verdict.”
Basic Research an "Orphan" of Patent Law, in: De Iure Mercatus. Libro Homenaje al Prof. Dr. h. c. Alberto Bercovitz Rodríguez Cano, Vol. I, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2023, 1501 - 1529.
Patent Protection for Diagnostic Methods and its Limitations, in: Arnold Maria Raem, Peter Rauch (
Patentschutz für diagnostische Verfahren und seine Grenzen, in: Arnold Maria Raem, Peter Rauch (
- Es ist eine unbestrittene Tatsache, dass eine schnelle und genaue Diagnose eine unabdingbare Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung jeder Gesundheitsstörung ist. Doch erst ein Ereignis wie der Pandemieausbruch des Covid-19-Virus rückt die zentrale Bedeutung der Diagnostik für die öffentliche Gesundheit ins Rampenlicht der Politik. (Zeitungen und Fachzeitschriften sind seit dem Ausbruch der Pandemie voll von Schlagzeilen, die die außergewöhnliche Bedeutung der Diagnostik betonen. Hier nur zwei frühe Beispiele: H. Kuchler/K. Stacey und K. Manson, White House Moves to Accelerate Testing, Financial Times vom 14./15. März 2020, S. 4, und S. Berkley, COVID-19 Needs a Manhattan Project, Editorial, 2020 Science 367, 1407.) Während jedoch die Wirtschaftlichkeit der risikoreichen und teuren Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung von Therapeutika und ihre hohen Kosten für das Gesundheitssystem häufig im Mittelpunkt öffentlicher Debatten stehen, findet die wirtschaftliche Situation der Industrie, die für die Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) von Diagnoseverfahren und die Produktion von Diagnosemitteln verantwortlich ist, wenig Beachtung.
European Union After the Crisis: Risks and Opportunities – The Problem of "Uncomfortable Knowledge" and "Institutional Forgetfulness", in: Alessandro Cavalli et al. (
McLean Sibanda – The Visionary with a Fine-Tuned Sense of Reality, in: Sibanda McLean (
Current Challenges for Law and Lawyers - From a European and Slovenian Perspective, in: 3rd Conference of Slovenian Lawyers from the World and Slovenia, Slovenian World Congress Publisher, Ljubljana 2021, 27 - 30.
Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the National Science System in: Miloš Trifković (
- Translation in Bosnian-Herzegovinan language, pp. 51 -77
Artificial Intelligence and Patenting: Some Lessons from “DABUS” Patent Applications in: Di Conchetto Costa et al. (
The Visible and Invisible Drivers of the 1991 UPOV Revision, in: The CIOPORA Chronicle – UPOV 1991 – 30 Years After 2021, 28 - 31.
Preface, in: Simon Klopschinski, Christopher Gibson, Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan (
Memories of the Years 1953 - 1957, in: 170 Stories of the First Gymnasium Maribor Celebrating Its 170th Anniversary, Prva Gimnazija, Maribor 2020, 247 - 251.
Preface "Knjigi na pot", in: Bojan Pretnar (
The 1990s as Global Turning Point in International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, in: Challenges in International Business Law and the Law of the European Union. Liber Amicorum in Honour of Radovan D. Vukadinović, Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Serbia, Association for European Law, Banja Luka, Kragujevac 2020, 597 - 612.
Das Binnenmarktrecht des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (Gesamtsystem und Patentrecht), in: Armin Hatje, Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (
Patentierung und Kommerzialisierung im Bereich der Stammzellforschung, in: Martin Zenke, Lilian Marx-Stölting, Hannah Schickl (
How Efficient is Patent Protection for Diagnostic Methods?, in: Izzivi prava v življenjski resničnosti = Challenges of law in life reality: Liber Amicorum Marko Ilešič, Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana 2017, 437 - 488.
Some Thoughts on Complexities and Deficiencies of Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals, in: Festschrift for Prof. Kyung Han Sohn, Science, Technology and the Law Journal,
- Korean translation (pp. 283 - 298)
Patentability and Scientific Progress: Modern Biotechnology as an Example, in: Academia Nazionale dei Lincei (
- Event: Giurisprudenza e scienza, Roma, 2016-03-09
The 'Bolar' Exemption and the Supply of Patented Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to Generic Drug Producers - An Attempt to Interpret Article 10(6) of Directive 2004/27/EC, in: European Intellectual Property Law (Critical Concepts in Intellectual Property Law, 13), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA 2016, 165 - 179.
Some Thoughts on Complexities and Deficiencies of Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals, in: Slobodan M. Markovic, Dusan V. Popovic (
Patenting, in: Henk ten Have (
- Biotechnology has become one of the driving forces of science and technology and an important pillar of contemporary economy. This entry examines the role which patents play in this context and the challenges they are confronted with as regards concerns of ethics and morals.
Friedrich-Karl Beier (1926-1997), in: Simon Apel, Louis Pahlow, Matthias Wießner (
Some Thoughts on how to Improve Effective Protection of Pharmaceuticals and Lower their Costs, in: Slobodan M. Markovic, Dusan V. Popovic (
- Event: International Conference on Intellectual Property Law to Honor Professor Straus: The Role of Intellectual Property in Positioning the Economy of the Western Balkans in the Global Market, Belgrade, 2015-11-14
I brevetti come fattori determinanti per una competitività sostenibile. Il caso dell’industria meccanica italiana, in: Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Marco Fortis (
Courts as Pacemakers of Innovation - As Reflected in Case Law on Patentable Subject Matter, in: gIElen, een bekend begrip, Wolters Kluwer Publishers, Deventer 2015, 351 - 365.
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz im Recht der Europäischen Union, in: Izbrani vidiki razvoja slovenskega gospodarskega in civilnega prava od srede 20. stoletja do danes (Selected Aspects of the Development of Slovenian Commerical and Civil Law from the Mid of 20th Century to Today), Liber Amicorum Bojan Zabel, Pravna fakulteta, Ljubljana 2015, 23 - 39.
Intellectual Property Rights: Ethical Aspects, in: James D. Wright (
Medicine Between Ethics and Scientific Progress: How Much Ethics Needs Medicine, How Much Ethics Can it Afford?, in: Suzana Kraljić, Jelka Reberšek Gorišek, Vesna Rijavec (
- Event: Medicina in pravo, Maribor, 2014-03-28
Das Binnenmarktrecht des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (Gesamtsystem und Patentrecht), in: Armin Hatje, Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (
The Impact of the New World Order on Economic Development: The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights System, in: James E. Daily, F. Scott Kieff, Arthur E. Wilmarth (
Preface, in: Shoukang GUO (
Courts as Pacemakers of Innovation - As Reflected in Case Law on Patentable Subject Matter, in: The Role of Courts in IP and Innovations - Proceedings of the 2013 Judicial Symposium in Korea, Supreme Court of Korea, Seoul 2013, 110 - 141.
World Economy and Intellectual Property between 1990 and 2013 - The Role of Academies in Developing Intellectual Property, in: Proceedings of Sino-German Symposium on "Cross Boarder Cooperative Innovation and Intellectual Property", School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 2013, 1 - 8.
Global Intellectual Property and Innovation Landscape in 1990 and today, in: Spory o Właśność Intelektualną - Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorom Januszowi Barcie i Ryszardowi Markiewiczowi, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warszawa 2013, 1135 - 1190.
Ordre Public and Morality Issues in Patent Eligibility, in: Toshiko Takenaka (
Tokkyo sei ni okeru koukyou no chitsujyo to zenryou no fuzoku (Ordre Public and Morality Issues in Patent Eligibility), in: Toshiko Takenaka (
Plant Variety Protection, in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (
Patent Law, in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (
Utility Model, in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (
European Patent, in: Jürgen Basedow et al. (
Zuowei zhuanlifa wenti zhi jiyin ziyuan qiyuan de shuoming (Angabe des Ursprungs genetischer Ressourcen als Problem des Patentrechts), in: Liu Xiaohai (
Das Regime des European Telecommunications Standards Institute – ETSI: Grundsätze, anwendbares Recht und die Wirkung der ETSI gegenüber abgegebenen Erklärungen, in: Liber amicorum Krešimir Sajko: zbornik radova u čast prof. em. Krešimiru Sajku, Pravni Fak., Zagreb 2012, 45 - 78.
Zur Patentierung humaner embryonaler Stammzellen in Europa, in: Brigitte Tag (
- Event: 2. Tagung der Medizinrechtslehrerinnen und Medizinrechtslehrer, Zürich, 2010-05-14
Teaching Patents, in: Yo Takagi, Larry Allman, Mpazi A. Sinjela (
The Role of Digital Rights Management (DRM) Technology in Contemporary Copyright, in: International Forum on the Centennial of Chinese Copyright Legislation (
Veröffentlichte Euro-PCT-Anmeldung als fiktiver Stand der Technik nach Art. 54 (3) EPÜ und die Vernichtung von Amtsakten im Europäischen Patentamt, in: Festschrift für Michael Loschelder zum 65. Geburtstag, Schmidt, Köln 2010, 379 - 390.
The Impact of the New World Order on Economic Development: The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights System, in: Anuario Andino de derechos intelectuales,
Is The Patent System Fit to Meet the Needs of the "Triple Helix" Alliance?, in: 20 Jahre Europäische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste - Festschrift, VDG Verlag, Weimar 2009, 371 - 385.
Preface, in: Joseph Straus (
Zur Rolle klinischer Versuche beim Zustandekommen von sogenannten Auswahlerfindungen, in: Patentrecht - Festschrift für Thomas Reimann zum 65.Geburtstag, Heymanns, Köln 2009, 471 - 484.
Opening Address, in: Joseph Straus (
O Impacto da Nova Ordem Mundial no Desenvolvimento Econômico - O Papel do Regime dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual, in: IDS - Instituto Dannemann Siemsen de Estudos Juridicos e Técnicos (
Europäisches Patent - Gemeinschaftspatent, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (
Gebrauchsmusterrecht, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (
Sortenschutz, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (
Gebietsbeschränkte Übertragung von Patenten und Patentportfolios und Erschöpfung des Patentrechts in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft, in: Schutz von Kreativität und Wettbewerb - Festschrift für Ulrich Loewenheim zum 75. Geburtstag, C.H. Beck, München 2009, 309 - 321.
Patentrecht, in: Jürgen Basedow, Klaus J. Hopt, Reinhard Zimmermann (
Introduction, in: Paul Goldstein, Joseph Straus (
Der Schutz von Geschäftsmethoden und andere patentrechtliche Fragestellungen im Lichte der aktuellen Finanzmarktkrise, in: Festschrift für Peter Mes zum 65. Geburtstag, C.H. Beck, München 2009, 327 - 351 (
Vorwort (Predgovor), in: Dunja Jadek Pensa (
Is the Patent System Fit to Meet the Needs of the "Triple Helix" Alliance?, in: Opportunities and Challenges for Intellectual Property - Taiwan, Mainland China, and International Intellectual Property Development, Essays in Honor of the Retirement of Professor Paul C.B. Liu, Vol. 1, Angle Publishing, Taipei 2008, 179 - 206.
Intellectual Property vs. Academic Freedom? - A Complex Relationship within the Innovation Ecosystem, in: Lars Engwall, Denis Weaire (
Teaching Patents, in: Yo Takagi, Larry Allman, Mpazi A. Sinjela (
The Scope of Protection Conferred by European Patents on Transgenic Plants and on Methods for Their Production, in: Festskrift till Marianne Levin, Norstedts Juridik, Stockholm 2008, 643 - 657.
Neighbouring Rights. National and International Developments, in: Eugen Ulmer (
Prior Informed Consent and European Patent Law, in: Korean Intellectual Property Office (
Recursos de Pré-concessão e Revisão Pós-concessão no Âmbito da Convenção Sobre a Patente Européia, in: Edson Beas Rodrigues Junior, Fabrício Polido (
The concept and meaning of quality in the European patent system, in: Conference Proceedings "Quality in the European Patent System", European Patent Office, Munich 2006, 15 - 25.
- Event: Quality in the European Patent System, Den Haag, 2005-11-21
Priority Right, 35 U.S.C. Section 102 (d) Bar and the TRIPS Obligations of the USA – A last Chance to Analyze the Issue?, in: Festschrift für Eike Ullmann, juris GmbH, Saarbrücken 2006, 515 - 544.
Access to Patented Plant Material for Plant Breeders - The Problem and the German Solution, Recent Development of the Academic Disputes on the Intellectual Property Laws and the Competition Law, in: Publication of Articles in commemoration of the 70th Birthday of Professor Dr. Nobuo Monya, Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation, Tokio 2006, 1310 - 1298.
Protection of Further Medical Uses and the Research Exemption Serving Medical Progress (Questões Atuais em Direito Patentário), in: 24 Seminário Nacional da Propriedade Intelectual, ABPI, Rio de Janeiro 2005, 100 - 103.
- Event: Propriedade Intelectual: Crescimento Econômico com Responsabilidade Social, Brasilia, 2004-08-16
Employees Inventions and Innovation Law, in: Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Intelectual (
- Event: XXVIV Seminário nacional da propriedade intelectual: "Propriedade Intelectual: Crescimento economico com responsibilidad social", Brasilia, 2004-08-16
Reach-Through Claims and Research Tools as Recent Issues of Patent Law, in: Homenaje a A. Bercovitz. Estudios sobre propiedad industrial e intellectual y derecho de la competencia, 2.
Zur Gleichbehandlung aller Diensterfindungen – Überlegungen zur angestrebten Reform des Gesetzes über Arbeitnehmererfindunge, in: Festschrift für Kurt Bartenbach zum 65. Geburtstag am 9. Dezember 2004, Heymanns, Köln 2005, 111 - 125.
Intellectual Property and Science – A Complex Partnership, in: Pieter J.D. Drenth, Johannes J.F. Schroots (
TRIPS, TRIPS-plus oder TRIPS-minus – Zur Zukunft des internationalen Schutzes des geistigen Eigentums, in: Perspektiven des Geistigen Eigentums und Wettbewerbsrechts – Festschrift für Gerhard Schricker zum 70. Geburtstag, Beck, München 2005, 197 - 212.
Biowissenschaftliche Eigentumsrechte. Belange der Entwicklungsländer, in: Rudolf Dolzer, Matthias Herdegen, Bernhard Vogel (
Patents on Biomaterial – A New Colonialism or a Means for Technology Transfer and Benefit-Sharing?, in: Felix Thiele, Richard E. Ashcroft (
Zur Patentierbarkeit von Verfahren zur Herstellung individuumsspezifischer Arzneimittel, in: Prawo Prywatne Czasu Przemian. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Stanisławowi Sołtysińskiemu - Festschrift für Stanislaw Soltysinski, Universität Adam Miekiewicz, Poznan 2005, 739 - 756 (
Informierte Zustimmung und Patentrecht, in: Ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Profesora Janusza Szwaji (Festschrift Janusz Szwaja zum 70. Geburtstag) (Prace z wynalazczości i ochrony własności intelektualnej, 88), Jagiellonian University, Krakow 2004, 35 - 54.
Genomics and the Food Industry – Outlook from an Intellectual Property Perspective, in: Intellectual Property in the New Millennium. Essays in honour of William R. Cornish, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 2004, 124 - 136.
Patentierung von Leben?, in: Hans-Peter Schreiber (
Patenting of Life Forms - The European Experience and Perspectives, in: Thomas Cottier, Petros Constantinos Mavroidis (
Vorwort, in: Das Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Patent-, Urheber-, und Wettbewerbsrecht, München, im Spiegel seiner Veröffentlichungen, Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c.mult. Gerhard Schricker zu seiner Emeritierung gewidmet, Beck, München 2003, VII - IX.
Eugen Ulmer, Gerhard Schricker und das Max-Planck-Institut, in: Im Dienste des Geistigen Eigentums. Festansprachen aus Anlass der Emeritierung von Professor Dr. jur. Dr. jur. h.c.mult. Gerhard Schricker und des 100. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. jur. h.c. Eugen Ulmer; 26. Juni 2003, MPG, München 2003, 5 - 10.
Product Patents on Human DNA Sequences: An Obstacle for Implementing the EU-Directive?, in: F. Scott Kieff (
Patentschutz durch TRIPS-Abkommen - Ausnahmeregelungen und -praktiken und ihre Bedeutungen, insbesondere hinsichtlich pharmazeutischer Produkte, in: Bitburger Gespräche. Jahrbuch 2003, Beck, München 2003, 117 - 133.
Measures Necessary for the Balanced Co-Existence of Patents and Plant Breeders' Rights - A Predominantly European View, WIPO-UPOV/SYM/02/7 2002.
- Event: WIPO-UPOV Symposium on the Co-Existence of Patents and Plant Breeders' Rights in the Promotion of Biotechnological Developments, Geneva, 2002-10-25
Kommerzielle und patentrechtliche Aspekte der Genomforschung, in: Gottfried Orth (
The Grace Period in Patent Law - A Look at Europe (Kapitel 27), in: Hugh C. Hansen (
Protection of Computer-related and Business Model Inventions - Opening Address at the International Forum "Protection of Computer-related and Business Model Inventions", in: European Patent Office (
Recent Developments and Challenges in the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRS), in: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), National Intellectual Property Association of Bulgaria (
- Event: International Conference on Intellectual Property, the Internet, Electronic Commerce and traditional knowledge, Boyana Government Residence, Sofia, 2001-05-29
Patenting Genes and Gene Therapy - Legal and Ethical Aspects, in: Gregory R. Bock, Dalia Cohen, Jamie A. Goode (
Experiments with Drugs: The Problem of Clinical Trials - The Situation in Germany, in: Geertrui Van Overwalle (
Der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums in der Welthandelsorganisation: Konsequenzen des TRIPS für die EG und ihre Mitgliedsstaaten, in: Peter-Christian Müller-Graff (
Wem gehört das Genom?, in: Detlev Ganten (
Intellecual Property Rights in Human Genome Research Results - The U.S. and European Approach - Common Problems, Different Solutions?, in: German-American Academic Council Foundation (GAAC) (
- Event: GAAC 4th Public Symposium "The Changing Character, Use and Protection of Intellectual Property", Washington, D.C., 1998-12-03
Priority Right and Period of "Grace" under the European Patent Law - Two Separate Issues, in: Global Perspectives of Contemporary Intellectual Property Issues, a Collection of Works Written in Commemoration of the Seventieth Birthday of Peter Dirk Siemsen, PVDI Design, Rio de Janeiro 1999, 351 - 365.
Latest Developments in Biotechnology - Gene Modification Techniques as they Relate to IPRs, in: Jill M. Shuman (
- Event: Conference held at the Tufts University European Center, Talloires, France, 1998-05-18
Intellectual Property and the European Human Genome Research - Some Dilemmas, in: Festskrift till Gunnar Karnell, Carlsson Law Network, Stockholm 1999, 745 - 759.
Journal Articles
Artificial Intelligence and Patenting: Some Lessons from "Dabus" Patent Applications, EIPR 44, 6 (2022), 348 - 358.
- Artificial intelligence (AI) has outgrown the stage of theoretical research. Since 2001 some 340,000 AI-related patent applications have been filed. The fact that AI techniques enable machines to learn iteratively from data and experience and think in concepts and eventually turn them into a source of new knowledge, raises a number of patent law relevant questions. This article gives a brief insight into the main AI tools, presents academic views questioning the suitability of patent law to deal adequately with the challenging AI techniques, as well as the respective views of those actively involved in administering and using the patent system. It analyses the patent applications of Dr. Stephen Thaler, indicating the DABUS machine as inventor, holistically. It is not limited to the question, whether a machine can be named "inventor", as exclusively addressed by courts and patent granting authorities. Based on the DABUS facts, the contribution examines, whether the DABUS autonomously generated the claimed invention, whether Thaler had disclosed the relevant prior art, whether the disclosure requirements met, how the person skilled in the art be defined, how examiners be equipped, and the necessary search strategies in cases dealing with AI-related inventions.
The European Union after the Crisis: Risks and Opportunities - The Problem of "Uncomfortable Knowledge" and "Institutionalised Forgetfulness", Zbornik Znanstvenih Razprav: Ljubljana Law Review 82 (2022), 9 - 41. DOI
Will Artificial Intelligence Change some Patent Law Paradigms?, Zbornik znanstvenih razprav / Univerza v Ljubljani, Pravna Fakulteta (Collection of Scientific Papers / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law) 2021, 11 - 61. DOI
Artificial Intelligence – Challenges and Chances for Europe, European Review 29, 1 (2021), 142 - 158. DOI
- As one of the building blocks of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence has attracted much public attention and sparked protracted discussions about its impact on future technological, economic and social developments. This contribution conveys insights into artificial intelligence’s basic methods and tools, its main achievements, its economic environment and the surrounding ethical and social issues. Based on the announced and taken measures of the EU organs in the area of artificial intelligence, the contribution analyses the position of Europe in the global context.
The Intellectual Property System as a Catalyst for Socio-Economic Development for Middle Income Countries – Lessons from South Africa, EIPR 42, 11 (2020), 738 - 750 (
- For low and middle-income countries increasing their R&D and technological base, international technology transfer could be an effective tool to accelerate their development. This article looks at South Africa’s patent system and development aspirations as set out in the National Development Plan (Vision 2030), and discusses these within the context of the changes in the macroeconomic environment as well as intellectual property landscape over the period 1996–2015. Based on South Africa’s technological capabilities as reflected in patent data, this article proposes a number of interventions that could ensure that the intellectual property system becomes a catalyst for fostering South Africa’s development goals. This article places specific emphasis on transfer of technology, including the adaptation of foreign developed intellectual property to supplement South Africa’s new technological capabilities in a few technological areas, in order to build new industries and catalyse development. This article advocates that the South African Government should support genuine innovation and the import of important technologies with a range of incentives to propel the private sector in order to realise the country’s developmental objective. The case of South Africa could be particularly useful for low and other middle-income countries on how to use the intellectual property system for their socio-economic development.
Pravni red na prepihu – Evropa na pragu 100. obletnice versajske mirovne pogodbe (Legal Order in the Draft: Europe on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, extended, adapted and updated Slovene translation of the English version published in the Annals of Fondazione Luigi Einaudi 2018/1, pp. 95 - 106), Festive Lecture on the Occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Yearbook of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts 69 (2019), 11 - 24.
The Right to Priority in Article 4A (1) of the Paris Convention and Article 87 (1) of the European Patent Convention, Journal of intellectual property law & practice 14, 9 (2019), 687 - 698. DOI
Issues Surrounding Deposit and Release of Biological Material for Patent Granting Procedures, European intellectual property review 41, 9 (2019), 546 - 554.
Pravni red na prepihu – Evropa na pragu 100. obletnice versajske mirovne pogodbe (Legal Order in the Draft: Europe on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, extended, adapted and updated Slovene translation of the English version published in the Annals of Fondazione Luigi Einaudi), Pravnik 135, 11/12 (2018), 777 - 791.
Legal Order in the Draft: Europe on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi 52, 1-2018 (2018), 95 - 106. DOI
The 'Bolar' Exemption and the Supply of Patented Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to Generic Drug Producers - An Attempt to Interpret Article 10(6) of Directive 2004/27 (Chinese translation: Bolar li wai yi ji xiang fang zhi yao chang shang ti gong zhuan li huo xing yao wu cheng fen - dui di 2004/27 hao zhi ling di 10 tiao di 6 kuan de jie du), Zhi Shi Chan Quan Yu Jing Zheng Fa Yan Jiu (IP and Competition Law Review) 3 (2017), 129 - 164.
Intellectual property rights and bioeconomy, Journal of intellectual property law & practice 12, 7 (2017), 576 - 590. DOI
Research, Exploitation and Patenting in the Area of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Europe – A Case of Concern Causing Inconsistency, European review 25, 1 (2017), 107 - 120. DOI
- Research on human embryonic stem cells, their exploitation and patenting is a highly controversial issue. This contribution provides for some basic understanding of technologies involved. It discusses ethical issues and legal rules dealing with the research and exploitation of stem cells in Europe. Moreover, it presents and analyses in some detail the statutory provisions of the EU in dealing with the patenting of human embryonic stem cells and the interpretation and application of those rules by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Finally, the resulting inconsistencies of the system as applied are critically analysed and a suggestion how to resolve them offered.
"Pay for Delay" – A Subtly Hidden, Overlooked or Ignored Transatlantic Divide – Exemplified on the Actavis Decision of the US Supreme Court and the Servier Decision of the EU Commission, Zbornik znastvenih razprav (Collection of Scientific Essays) LXXVI (2016), 197 - 234.
Can Antitrust Adequately Assess Patent Settlement Agreements Disconnected from Patent Law Relevant Facts? - The Servier Case – Its Public Perception and its Underlying Facts, EIPR 38, 9 (2016), 533 - 544.
How Much Patenting is Needed for Sustainable Global Competitiveness? The Case of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry, Journal of intellectual property law & practice 11, 6 (2016), 450 - 459. DOI
Medicine Between Ethics and Scientific Progress: How Much Ethics Needs Medicine, How Much Ethics Can it Afford?, Medicine, Law & Society 8, 1 (2015), 47 - 76.
- The progress of medicine is heavily dependent on the progress of science and technology, which in turn depend on costly and risky investment in research and development. In this contribution, based on some concrete examples, new scientific achievements are presented as basis of modern medicine and source of ethical concerns. Addressed are also the role of scientists in coping with safety in ethical concerns as regards hazards of new technologies, costs of R&D investment in drug development and the role of patents in this context. In some detail the legal situation existing at an international and European level as regards exclusions from patentability based on reasons of ethics and morals is presented. A critical appraisal of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union as regards patentability of embryonic stem cells is offered.
The 'Bolar' Exemption and the Supply of Patented Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients to Generic Drug Producers - An Attempt to Interpret Article 10(6) of Directive 2004/27/EC, Journal of intellectual property law & practice 9, 11 (2014), 895 - 908. DOI
- Under the EU 'Bolar' exemption studies and trials necessary to gain regulatory approval for generic medicinal products do not constitute patent infringement. In this article the author examines the coverage of the ‘Bolar’-rule in the broader context of the Community law in which it is embedded. He also addresses the compliance of this Community rule with the TRIPS Agreement. More specifically the author discusses the issue of third parties supply of patented active ingredients to generic drug companies for regulatory authorization and makes suggestions how it sould be solved under the ‘Bolar’-rule.
Regime of European Telecommunication Standards Institute-ETSI: Policy, Applicable Law and Effect of ETSI against Given Declarations (Ou Zhou Dian Xin Biao Zhun Zu Zhi ESTI De Yuan Ze,Zhun Ju Fa Ji Xiang ESTI Suo Zuo Sheng Ming Zhi Xiao Li, translated by Jiang Ge, Zeyi), Intellectual Property and Competition Law Review 2 (2014), 287 - 321.
A Marriage of Convenience: World Economy and Intellectual Property from 1990 to 2012 (Quan Yi Zhi Hun Yin: 1990 Nian zhi 2012 Nian Jian Shi Jie Jing Ji Yu Zhi Shi Chan Quan), translated by Gao Han, corrected by Zhang Taolue & Xu Zeyi, Intellectual Property and Competition Law Review 2 (2014), 3 - 56.
Režim Európskeho inštitutu pre telekomunikačné normy – ETSI: Zásady, rozhodné právo a účinok ETSI voči predloženým vyhláseniam (translation from German into Slovak language), Právny obzor 2013, 543 - 566.
Professor José Antonio Gómez Segade and the Munich Max-Planck-Institute - Contribution in honor of Prof. José Antonio Gómez Segade, Actas de derecho Industrial y derecho de Autor 2013, 58 - 60.
ATRIP and the Changing Environment - A Retrospective, The WIPO journal 4, 2 (2013), 242 - 247.
Zhuan Li Shen Qing Gou Cheng “Ou Gong Ti Tiao Yue” Di 82 Tiao De Lan Yong Shi Chang Zhi Pei Di Wei? (Patent Application: An Abuse of Dominant Market Position under Article 82 EC Treaty?), Zhi Shi Chan Quan Yu Jing Zheng Fa Yan Jiu (IP and Competition Law Review) 2012, 3 - 31.
Juan Shou Yu Yi (A Word of Welcome), Zhi Shi Chan Quan Yu Jing Zheng Fa Yan Jiu (IP and Competition Law Review) 2012, 1 - 2.
A Marriage of Convenience: World Economy and Intellectual Property From 1990 to 2012, AIPLA Quarterly Journal 40, 4 (2012), 633 - 683.
EPC Article 105(1) Practice Curtails Interveners' Rights, Journal of intellectual property law & practice 7, 11 (2012), 801 - 804.
Das Regime des European Telecommunications Standards Institute – ETSI: Grundsätze, anwendbares Recht und die Wirkung der ETSI gegenüber abgegebenen Erklärungen, GRUR Int 60, 6 (2011), 469 - 480.
Yinhang shichang weiji xia de shangyebanfa baohu he qita zhuanlifa wenti (Patentschutz von Geschäftsmethoden und andere patentrechtliche Probleme unter dem Eindruck der Finanzmarktkrise), Zhuanlifa-yanjiu 2010, 114 (
Patent Application: Obstacle for Innovation and Abuse of Dominant Position under Article 102 TFEU?, Journal of European competition law & practice 1, 3 (2010), 189 - 201.
Zur Patentierung humaner embryonaler Stammzellen in Europa - Verwendet die Stammzellforschung menschliche Embryonen für industrielle oder kommerzielle Zwecke?, GRUR Int 59, 11 (2010), 911 - 923.
Patentanmeldung als Missbrauch der marktbeherrschenden Stellung nach Art. 82 EGV?, GRUR Int 58, 2 (2009), 93 - 106.
Priority Right, 35 U.S.C. § 102(d) Bar and the TRIPS Obligations of the USA: A Last Chance to Analyze the Issue, Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society 91, 6 (2009), 375 - 397.
Is There a Global Warming of Patents? (enlarged version), The Journal of World Intellectual Property 11, 1 (2008), 58 - 62.
How to Break the Deadlock Preventing a Fair and Rational Use of Biodiversity?, The Journal of World Intellectual Property 11, 4 (2008), 229 - 295.
The Impact of the New World Order on Economic Development - The Role of Intellectual Property Rights, European review 15, 1 (2007), 47 - 63.
Patenting of Biomaterial - A New Colonialism or Technology Transfer to the Mutual Benefit?, Zhuanlifa-Yanjiu 2007, 52 - 82.
Harmonisierung des internationalen Patentrechts, GRUR Int 56, 2 (2007), 91 - 104 (
Harmonisation of International Patent Law, IIC 38, 8 (2007), 907 - 936 (
Global Warming of Patents? (In Japanese), Chi zai ken forum 71 (2007), 1.
The Impact on the New World Order on Economic Development - The Role of Intellectual Property Rights, John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 6.1 (2006), 1 - 16.
Retirement of the Programme Committee Chairman, AIPPI Newsletter 21/3-06 (2006), 8.
O ulozi intelektualne svojine u novom svetskom ekonomskom poretku (On the Role of Intellectual Property in the New World Economic Order), Evropski pravnik 3 (2006), 25 - 40.
The Impact of the New World Order on Economic Development: The Role of the Intellectual Property Rights System, John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 6, 1 (2006), 10 - 17.
Good Bye and Good Luck Programme Committee, AIPPI Newsletter 21, 3-06 (2006), 8.
On the New Role of Intellectual Property Rights in the Globalized Economy (in Chinese), China Intellectual Property News 2005, 3.
Design Protection for Spare Parts Gone in Europe? Proposed Changes to the EC Directive: The Commission's Mandate and its Doubtful Execution, EIPR 27, 11 (2005), 391 - 404.
Ende des Geschmacksmusterschutzes für Ersatzteile in Europa? Vorgeschlagene Änderungen der EU Richtlinie: Das Mandat der Kommission und seine zweifelhafte Ausführung, GRUR Int 54, 12 (2005), 965 - 979.
Scientific Programme for the Congress in Gothenburg, October 2006, AIPPI Newsletter 17.3 (2005), 4 - 5.2005.
Zur Patentierbarkeit von Verfahren zur Herstellung individuumspezifischer Arzneimittel, GRUR Int 54, 11 (2005), 869 - 876 (
Patentová ochrana podl'a Dohody TRIPS (Patentschutz im Rahmen des TRIPS-Übereinkommens), Dusevne vlastnictvo 6 (2004), 6 - 14.
Angabe des Ursprungs genetischer Ressourcen als Problem des Patentrechts, GRUR Int 53, 9 (2004), 792 - 796.
Zur Patentierbarkeit von embryonalen Stammzellen nach europäischem Recht, Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft und Ethik 9 (2004), 111 - 129.
Der Beitrag Deutschlands zur Entwicklung des internationalen gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, GRUR Int 52, 10 (2003), 805 - 812.
Product patents on human DNA sequences - where do we stand in Europe?, Comptes Rendus Biologies 326, 10/11 (2003), 1111 - 1114.
An Updating Concerning the Protection of Biotechnological Inventions including the Scope of Patents for Genes - An Academic Point of View, Official Journal - European Patent Office 26, Sonderausgabe 2 (2003), 166 - 189.
Scientific Programme of AIPPI for Geneva Congress 2004, AIPPI Newsletter 10 (2003), 6 - 7.2003.
The Need to Protect Intellectual Property in Plant Science, Syngenta Lectures 2 (2003), 34 - 41.
La inversión de la carga de la prueba, el principio de "procedimientos justos y razonables" y las medidas cautelares, previstos en el Acuerdo TRIPS, LexisNexis Jurisprudencia Argentina, nùmero special: Propriedad intelectual: protecciòn cautelar y competencia 2002, 3 - 14.
Pre-Grant Appeal and Post-Grant Review Under the European Patent Convention, Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd 2002, 462 - 476.
Illusionsloser Blick in privileglose Zukunft, Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2002, 1329.
Scientific Programme for EXCO Seoul, AIPPI Newsletter 6/4-02 (2002), 8 - 9.2002.
Das entfesselte Patent - Was die Änderung des Edinburgher Antrags bedeutet, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2000, 41.
Gerät das Patentrecht außer Kontrolle? Missverständnisse bei der Empörung über eine Entscheidung des Europäischen Parlaments, FAZ 06.03.2000, 10.
- Auch erschienen in: Special edition of the Gazette of the European Patent Office, May 20, S. 4 - 7
- Englische Übersetzung in: Special edition of the Gazette of the European Patent Office, May 20, S. 8 - 11 = Patent Law Getting Out of Hand? Misconceptions in the Outcry Against a Decision of the European Patent Office
- Französische Übersetzung in: Special edition of the Gazette of the European Patent Office, May 20, S. 12 - 15 = Risque de dérapage du droit des brevets - Les malentendus á la origine des création d'indignation suscitées par une décision de l'office européen des brevets
How Can the Developing World Protect Itself From Biotech Patent-Holders, Nature 406 (2000), 455.
Patent Litigation in Europe - A Glimmer of Hope? Present Status and Future Perspectives, Washington University Journal of Law and Policy 2 (2000), 403 - 428.
Biotechnology and Patents, Chimia 54, 5 (2000), 293 - 298.
Genpatentierung - Eine "abstruse Idee?" - Betrachtungen aus Anlass der EU-Biotechnologierichtlinie 98/44/EG, Deutsches Ärzteblatt 16 (2000).
- Auch veröffentlicht in: Raem, A.M., Braun, R.W., Fenger, H., Michaelis, W., Nikol, S., Winter, S. F. (eds.): Gen-Medizin - Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2000, S. 759 - 765
Europäisierung der Bio-Patente: Widersprüche in den maßgeblichen Regelungen beseitigt/ab heute geänderte Vergabepraxis, FAZ 01.09.1999, N2.
The Development of Equivalence in Legal Theory and Case Law in Germany Before and After EPC, Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd 1999, 459 - 474.
Der gestiegene Stellenwert der Rechte des geistigen Eigentums, FUTURE, The Hoechst Magazine 1 (1999), 83 - 84.
- Englische Übersetzung unter dem Titel: The Growing Importance of Intellectual Property Rights, FUTURE, The Hoechst Magazine 1/99, 83 - 84
On the Admissibility of ‘Biological Equivalence Tests‘ During the Patent Term for Obtaining a Regulatory Approval for Patented Drugs by Third Parties - A Study in German and Comparative Law, AIPPI Journal of the Japanese Group 1998, 211 - 246.
- Japanese translation in 44 AIPPI Journal of the Japanese Group, No. 2 1999, 2 - 31
Case notes
Decision of the Court of the European Union of October 18, 2011 – Case C-34/10 – "Oliver Brüstle v. Greenpeace", GRUR Int 60 (2011), 1048 - 1050.
Research Papers
Von Reagan lernen – Wirtschaftsexperten misstrauen? (Learn from Reagan – Suspect Economists?), 2020, 8
- Unter dem Titel „Von Reagan lernen“ haben in der Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit“ vom 18. Dezember 2019 die Ökonomen Kai Konrad und Jörg Rocholl einen Vorschlag zur nachhaltigen Belebung der deutschen Wirtschaft unterbreitet. In Anlehnung an Reagan schlagen sie vor, Unternehmen zu erlauben, „Investitionen sofort oder zumindest deutlich beschleunigt gegen Gewinne zu verrechnen – und nicht erst dann, wenn die Investitionsgüter sich tatsächlich verbrauchen“. Reagan habe damit den USA einen gewaltigen Boom beschert. Der Vorschlag ist überzeugend begründet und wird hoffentlich bei den für die deutsche Wirtschaft Verantwortlichen die nötige Beachtung finden. Den eigentlichen Grund für den vorliegenden Beitrag liefert allerdings nicht der Inhalt, sondern der Titel des Zeit-Artikels, der nicht nur an Ronald Reagan und seine wirtschaftsrelevanten Positionen erinnert, sondern Anlass dazu bietet, auch an Reagans Einschätzung der Rolle der Ökonomen in der Politik zu erinnern und sich mit einigen aktuellen Fragen der Ökonomie, wie Negativzinsen und Abschaffung des Bargeldes, auseinanderzusetzen.
- Under the title “Learn from Reagan”, the economists Kai Konrad and Jörg Rocholl in the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” of 18 December 2019 published a proposal for a sustainable stimulation of the German economy. Following Reagan, they proposed to allow companies “to offset their investments immediately, or at least significantly accelerated, against their profits – and not only then, when the capital goods are actually used up.” Thanks to Reagan’s move, the USA had experienced an enormous boom. The proposal is convincingly reasoned and will hopefully enjoy the necessary attention by those responsible for the German economy. The actual reason for this contribution, however, is not the substance of “Die Zeit” article, but its title. It does not only remind us of Ronald Reagan’s economy relevant positions, but gives reason to recall Reagan’s assessment of the role, economists play in the politics. Moreover, also to address some topical issues of the current economy, such as negative interest rates or ideas on abolition of cash.
ALLEA Statement on Patent-Related Aspects of CRISPR-Cas Technology, ALLEA Secretariat, Berlin 2016, 7
Quality of Performance of the European Patent Office with Special Emphasis on Patent Applications Claiming Priority of PR China - Study prepared in the framework of the IPR-2 project of the European Commission, 2011.
Report on "Strategic Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in the context of Science and Technology Policy" as member of the ETAN expert group (European Technology Assessment Network), ETAN Working Paper 1999, XVIII + 51
Further Publications, Press Articles, Interviews
Amicus Brief "Referrals to the Enlarge Board of Appeal - G 1/22 and G 2/22 (Entitlement to Priority)" to the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office, 2022.
ALLEA Statement on "Towards Implementing the European Open Science Cloud – IPR and Other Strategic Considerations", 2020, 4
China's Efforts in IP Protection Can Stand Scrutiny. Interview, China IP News 2020.
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Aktualni Izzivi za Pravo in Pravnike - Evropski in Slovenski Pogled (Current Challenges for Law and Lawyers - From a European and Slovenian Perspective)
III. Konferenca Slovenskih Pravnikov iz Sveta in Slovenije (3th Conference of Slovenian Lawyers from the World and Slovenia), organized by Slovenian World Congress
Location: online
Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the National Science System
International Scientific Conference “Science System - A Factor of Stimulation or Limitation in Development” Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (online)
The European Union’s IPRs System and its Global Use
Shanghai International IP Forum
Location: Shanghai, PR China (online)
Opening Address
International Conference on the Rule of Law
Dimitrie Cantimir Christian University
Location: Bucharest, Romania (online)
Opening Address
WIPO-Shanghai International Intellectual Property College
Location: Shanghai, PR China (online)
Pandemic, Vaccines and Patents: How to Balance the Legitimate Interests?
Medicine, Law and Society: In Times of Radical Change - Special 30th Anniversary Conference
University of Maribor
Location: Maribor, Slowenien (online)
Artificial Intelligence and Patenting
Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China (online)
Gene Editing and Human Embryonic Stem Cells - A Universal Challenge for Medicine, Ethics and Law & Patent Law Aspects
Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China (online)
International and European Patent Law: Patent Law History & Justification of Patent Protection
Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China (online)
Video Address
SICIP 2020 Opening Ceremony
Organized by: Tongji University, PR China
AI, Corporation and the Law
Moderator/Chair Panel, Conference Global Perspectives on Responsible AI 2020
organized by Responsible AI, University of Freiburg, ellis University, Freiburg and Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
Location: Albrecht-Ludwig University Freiburg (online)
Artificial Intelligence and its Legal, Ethical and Socio-economic Challenges
Conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
How much Patenting is Needed for Sustainable Global Competitiveness - The Case of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China
Antitrust Aspects of Patent Settlement Agreements - The "Pay-for-Delay" or "Reverse Payments" Settlements
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China
The Right to Priority Under the Paris Convention and in the EPO Case Law - A Critical Appraisal
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Locat/ion: Wuhan, PR China
Issues Surrounding Deposit and Release of Biological Material for Patent Granting Procedures
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China
Patentability of Computer Implemented Inventions in the Practice of the European Patent Office
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China
Artificial Intelligence and its Legal, Ethical and Socio-economic Challenges
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China
Gene Editing and Human Embryonic Stem Cells - A Universal Challenge for Medicine, Ethics and Law
Organized by: Zhongnan University
Location: Wuhan, PR China
Unfair Competition Law as an Ancillary Design Protection - Exemplified on German Case Law, 2019; WIPO-Tongji Intellectual Property Forum
Organized by: Tongji University
Location: Shanghai, PR China
The Right to Priority under the Paris Convention and the EPO Case Law - A Critical Appraisal, Training Course Obtaining, Enforcing and Evaluating Intellectual Property Rights in Europe
Organized by: Boehmert & Boehmert
Location: Munich, Germany
The Entitlement to the Priority Right under the Paris and the European Patent Convention - A Contested Issue
Conference "in Memoria di Adriano Vanzetti"
Organized by: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Location: Milano, Italy
Gene Editing and Human Embryonic Stem Cells - A Universal Challenge for Medicine, Ethics and Law
Organized by: Dimitrie Cantemir University
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Gene Editing and Human Embryonic Stem Cells - A Universal Challenge for Medicine, Ethics and Law
Organized by: University of Maribor
Location: Maribor, Slovenia
IP Issues in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
3rd EU China IP Academic Forum
Location: Shanghai, PR China
Legal Order in the Draft: Europe on the Eve of the 100th Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles (in Slovene)
Main speech at the Festive Gathering of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts celebrating its 80th anniversary
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Artificial Intelligence Technical & Economic & Patent Law Aspects
2018 WIPO Tongji Intellectual Property Forum
Location: Shanghai, PR China
Report on the Activities of the ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights
ALLEA General Assembly 2018
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Artificial Intelligence - An Important Driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
2018 IPR Nanhu Forum
Location: Chongqing, PR China
Laudation for Professor Martin J. Adelman on the occasion of the "MIPLC Joseph Straus Distinguished Service Award 2018"
MIPLC 15th Anniversary Celebration
Location: Munich, Germany
Ethical, Legal and Economic Aspects of Research and Development in the Area of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Guest lecture
Location: Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, PR China
Ethical, Legal and Economic Aspects of Research and Development in the Area of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Guest lecture
Location: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PR China
Industry and Country Specific Use of Patents as Development Indicators, Considerations Based on Patent Statistics
Guest lecture
Location: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PR China
How Much Patenting is Needed for Sustainable Global Competitiveness – The Case of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry
Guest lecture
Location: Hubei Normal University (HBNU), Huangshi, PR China
Ethical, Legal and Economic Aspects of Research and Development in the Area of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Guest lecture
Location: Jinan University, Guangzhou, PR China
How Much Patenting is Needed for Sustainable Global Competitiveness – The Case of Italian Mechanical Engineering Industry
Guest lecture
Location: Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou, PR China
Priority Right in the Practice of the European Patent Office
Guest lecture
Location: Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, PR China
Report on Activities of the Permanent Working Group on IP since the last ALLEA General Assembly
Location: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Government and Courts as Pacemakers of Sustainable Innovation
2017 Guangdong Intellectual Property Trade Expo & Pearl River Forum
Location: Guangzhou, PR China
Ethical, Legal and Economic Aspects of Research and Development in the Field of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Location: Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ethical, Legal and Economic Aspects of Research and Development in the Field of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Location: Faculty of Law and Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
Antitrust Aspects of Patent Settlement Agreements
The "Pay for Delay" or "Reverse Payment" Settlements
Location: Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, PR China
Scientific Progress, Law and Ethics - In the Light of the Protection of Medicinal Inventions
Location: Tsinghua University School of Law, Beijing, PR China
Complexities and Deficiencies of Patent Protection for Pharmaceuticals
State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of PR China
Location: Beijing, PR China
Intellectual Property and Modern Society (in Slovene)
I. State High School (Gymnasium)
Location: Maribor, Slovenia
Scientific Progress, Law and Ethics – In the Light of Medicinal Inventions (in Slovene)
Faculty of Law and Faculty of Medicine, University of Maribor, Slovenia, "The Day of the Faculty of Law"
Location: Maribor, Slovenia
Importance of IP Policy and IP Management in an Emerging Economy - With Special Emphasis on South Africa
Seminar "Managing Intellectual Property to the Benefit of Industry and National Economy", jointly organized by Department of Science and Technology
Republic of South Africa, NIPMO and UNISA, UNISA Brooklyn Campus
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Industry and Country Specific Use of Patents as Development Indicators
Considerations Based on Patent Statistics
2016 IPR Nanhu Forum: International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights Protection and the Building of IP Power
Location: Beijing, PR China
RepLocation on the Activities of the Permanent Working Group on IPRs of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA)
ALLEA General Assembly (April 23-24, 2015)
ALLEA General Assembly 2016
Location: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Patentability and Scientific Progress: Modern Biotechnology as an Example
Convegno "Giurisprudenza e Scienza"
Location: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy
European and International Development in the IP Area
Round Table Discussion, American Chamber of Commerce
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Report on the Activities of the Working Group on IPRs since the last ALLEA General Assembly (April 23-24, 2015)
ALLEA Board Meeting
Location: The Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland
Some Thoughts on how to Improve Effective Protection of Pharmaceuticals and Lower their Costs
International Conference on "The Role of Intellectual Property in Positioning the Economy of the Western Balkans in the Global Market"
Location: Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Serbia
The Indicative Value of Patent Statistics
34th Annual Congress of ATRIP: "Intellectual Property in Action in Society – New Perspectives from the NLocationh, the South and the Cloud"
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Patenting and Exploitation of Results in Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
27th Annual Conference of Academia Europaea "Symbiosis – Synergy of Humans & Technology"
Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Future Reinforced Activities Between the EU and China on IP Matters
Conference "Celebrating 10 years of the EU-China IP Dialogue Mechanism"
Location: EU-Commission, Brussels, Belgium
La propensione ai brevetti in Italia alla luce degli sviluppi globali (Italy's Propensity Towards Patenting in the Light of Global Developments)
Seminar: "L’industria al centro: un’agenda per la crescita"
Aspen Seminars for Leaders, organized by Aspen Institute Italia
Location: Venice, Italy
Creating Innovative Cultures and Intellectual Property
IP Key Renmin/Suzhou Forum: INSIGHT IP -10 years of EU-China Cooperation in IP - Future perspectives
Location: Suzhou, PR China
The Role of Academics in Developing Intellectual Property, IP Key – Renmin University Round Table Discussion
Location: Renmin University, Suzhou Campus, Suzhou, PR China
23. - 24.04.15
Report on Activities of the Permanent Working Group on IP since the Last ALLEA General Assembly (24-25 April, 2014)
16th ALLEA General Assembly, Academy of Science of Lisbon
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
South Africa and Intellectual Property - Observations of an Interested Academic
Seminar: Managing Intellectual Property – An Important Determinant of Econom
Location: University of South Africa (UNISA), Brooklyn House, Pretoria, South Africa
The Scope of the EU "Bolar" Exemption – An Analysis of Astellas v. Polpharma
Seminar "Protection of Medicinal Innovation"
Location: Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, Warsaw, Poland
Patents as Determinants for Research, Innovation and Investment, Conference: Il ruolo strategico del sistema metalmeccanico italiano: dai metalli alla meccatronica
Location: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy
Grace Period – A Matter of Patent Law Harmonization and International Trade Distortion
JPO - AIPPI - FICPI "Tegernsee Symposium" focused on Grace Period, organized by Japan Patent Office
Location: Hotel Okura, Tokyo, Japan
Unitary Patent System in EU: Filing Strategy for Foreign Applicants
Location: University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
24.04.14 - 25.04.14
Report on Activities of the Permanent Working Group on IP since the last ALLEA General Assembly (29-30 April 2013)
15th ALLEA General Assembly
The Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
Location: Oslo, Norway
Unitary Patent System in EU: Filing Strategy for Taiwanese Applicants
EU-Taiwan 2014 Seminar on Patent System
Location: International Conference Hall, Taipei, PR China
Moderator and Panelist, Session V: Latest Trends of International IPR & Industrial Strategy
2013 Tongji Global Intellectual Property Forum
Location: Tongji IP Institute, Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
Ten years of Tongji IP Institute, Address on the occasion of the 10. Anniversary of Tongji IP Institute
Location: Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
The Role of Courts for Sustainable Innovation - As Predominantly Reflected in Case Law on Patentable Subject Matter
2013 Tongji Global Intellectual Property Forum
Location: Tongji IP Institute, Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
Recent Global Patent Cases and Their Implications
Conference on "Creating and Leveraging Intellectual Property in Developing CountriesOrganized by Department of Science and Technology, Republic of South Africa, National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO) and Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)'s
Location: Durban, South Africa
Recent Developments in the Area of Computer Implemented Inventions in Europe and the USA - A Brief Patent Law Perspective
Location: University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
European and US Courts and Modern Technologies. Recent Developments in the Area of Biotechnology
Location: University of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
Status Quo and Measures to be Undertaken to Improve the Innovation Performance in South Africa
Location: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Courts as Pacemakers of Innovation - As Reflected in Case Law on Patentable Subject Matter
2013 International Judicial Symposium "The Role of Courts in IP and Innovation
Location: The Supreme Court of Korea, Seoul, South Korea
European and US Courts and Modern Technologies, Recent Developments in the Area of Biotechnology
ALLEA International Conference "The Grace Period and Topical Issues of Intellectual Property"
Location: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Grace Period – A Topic of Harmonization of Patent Law Since 30 years
ALLEA International Conference "The Grace Period and Topical Issues of Intellectual Property"
Location: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Max-Planck Innovation Corporation. Experience from some 40 years
SARIMA 2013 Conference
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
The Threat of Globalization and Europe's Clouded Relationship with Technology and Intellectual Property
Plenary Debate "The European Challenge in Uncertain Futures"
The Academia Europaea 25th Anniversary Conference
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
The Patent System – Conceived for a Mechanical World, but Applied in a Digital One?
IPOS - EPO Patent Conference (IEPC) 2013 "Patents in a Digital Economy"
Location: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Patentierbarkeit biotechnologischer Erfindungen - Rechtlicher Rahmen/Aktuelle Rechtsprechung in Europa und den USA
Location: Bardehle IP Akademie, Munich, Germany
Die neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung, geistiges Eigentum und die Herausforderungen für Europa
Location: GRUR Bezirksgruppe West, Düsseldorf, Germany
Patents in Life Sciences - Pros and Cons - Lessons from the US and Europe
Location: Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, PR China
The Role of Academic Community in Modern Innovation Ecosystem
Location: Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, PR China
The Scope of Protection in Plant Related Patents - From a European Perspective
Location: Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, PR China
World Economy and Intellectual Property between 1990 and 2013 – The Role of Academics in Developing Intellectual Property
Conference "Disputes About Intellectual Property"
Location: Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Medicine Between Ethics and Scientific Progress: How Much Ethics Needs Medicine, How Much Ethics Can it Afford? The tense Relationship Between Patents and Ethics
Koc Üniversitesi, Law School - Semahat Arsel International Business Law Implementation and Research Center
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
World Economy and Intellectual Property between 1990 and 2013 – The Role of Academics in Developing Intellectual Property
"Cross Boarder Cooperative Innovation and Intellectual Property", 2013 Sino-German Conference
Location: Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, PR China
Medicine Between Scientific Advances and Ethics – How Much Ethics Medicine Needs, How Much Ethics Can Medicine Afford?
22nd Symposium on Medicine and Law: The Right to Life and to Dignified Death, Ethics in Medical Science
Location: University of Maribor, Maribor
Language: Slovene
Die neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung, geistiges Eigentum und die Herausforderungen für Europa
Location: GRUR Bezirksgruppe Nord, Hamburg, Germany
Der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums und die Herausforderungen für Europa
Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Handel, Industrie und Wissenschaft
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Grace Period: Should Europe Reform its Rules? The Paneuropean Intellectual Property Summit (Patents)
Organized by Premier Cercle
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Patents in Life Sciences - Pros and Cons - An Introduction
Conference "A Search for Best Practices, Challenges at the Leading Edge: The Courts, Practitioners, Clients, and Investors", organized by BioDeutschland, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the US Federal Circuit Bar Association
Location: Berlin, Germany
Patentierung humaner pluripotenter Stammzellen nach der Brüstle-Entscheidung des GHEU, Rechtliche und faktische Konsequenzen
Sitzung des Ethic Advisory Board - Novartis - Universität Bonn
Location: Bonn, Germany
Die neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung, geistiges Eigentum und die Herausforderungen für Europa
Bezirksgruppe Frankfurt/Main der Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
Location: Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Patentierung humaner pluripotenter Stammzellen nach der Brüstle-Entscheidung des GHEU, Rechtliche und faktische Konsequenzen
Karlsruher Dialog Technik und Recht "BioPatente - Motor oder Bremse des technischen FLocationschritts", Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Patents for Plant Related Innovation - The Current Legal Situation and Possible Solutions
CIOPORA Conference on Patents and Modern PBRs in Horicultural Breeding
Location: Venlo, The Netherlands
„Pros and Cons on Grace Period“, „A Pro-Pleading“
Meeting at European Commission, DG Connect
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Intellectual Property and Academic Community in the Changed Global Economic Environment
South African Research & Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) Conference
Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Intellectual Property as an ImpLocationant Pilar of Innovation
Location: University of South Africa (UNISA) Pretoria, South Africa
National Substantive Patent Examination in the Changed Global IP Landscape - An Academic Perspective
Round Table Discussion on Substantive Patent Examination, Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Court of Justice of the EU - Stem Cell Patents and Article 27 (2) TRIPS
20th CASRIP Anniversary - 2012 High-tech Protection Summit
Location: University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, Canada
Patentierung humaner pluripotenter Stammzellen nach der Brüstle-Entscheidung des GHEU
Rechtliche und faktische Konsequenzen, Hogan Lovells Münchner Patentrechtsgespräche 2012
Location: Munich, Germany
Patentierbarkeit menschlicher Stammzellen in europäischer Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung
Symposium "Patentrecht in der Biomedizin - Das Beispiel der Stammzellen"
Location: Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur, Mainz, Germany
The Soybean Case and the Adequate Scope of Protection of Gene Related Patents
College of Law, Seminar Series, The Department of Mercantile Law
Location: University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
A Qualified Openness: Commercial Value and Confidentiality
"Discovery Reinvented? The Promise of European Open Science"
A Royal Society event
Location: The Centre, Brussels, Belgium
The Soybean Case and the Adequate Scope of Protection of Gene Related Patents
Forum Institute Conference "IP Protection for Plant Innovation 2011"
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stem Cell Patents and the European Court of Justice
International Conference "Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine; Uppsala University, Wallonie-Bruxelles International and Länsstyrelsen Uppsala Län
Location: University of Uppsala, Sweden
IP Issues & Policy in Europe
2011 Tongji Global Intellectual Property Forum
Location: Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
The New World Economic Order as Challenge for Innovation in Europe
Round Table "Innovation Europe: Interaction Between Public and Corporate Governance"
Location: Polish Ministry of Economy, Warsaw, Poland
Education and Capacity Development for IP and Innovation in Developing Countries - Some Lessons from Germany
Conference "Accellerating IP and Innovation in South Africa", organized by Department of Science and Technology of South Africa and by National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO)
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Green Biotechnology and Intellectual Property - An Ongoing Struggle for a Proper Balance
6th Annual Conference of the EPIP Association, Fine-Tuning IPR Debates
Location: Brussels, Belgium
New Checks and Balances in Globalized Economy: The New Role of Intellectual Property
8th International Workshop on Commercial Law of the University of South Africa (UNISA)
Location: Nedbank Head Office in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa
The Role of U.S. Jurisprudence in Courts in Europe - From Shiny Model to Some Matter of Concern
2001 CASRIP High Technology Protection Summit Honouring Chief Judge Randall R. Rader
Location: University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Protection of Confidential Data - The European Situation
CIPIAGRI, First International Conference on Intellectual Property in Agriculture
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
New Checks and Balances in Globalized Economy: The New Role of Intellectual Property
Location: Institute of Intellectual Property, Xiamen University, PR China
New Checks and Balances in Globalized Economy: The New Role of Intellectual Property
2011 IPR Nanhu Forum, International Conference on "Constructing the Innovative Country and IP Strategies"
Location: Zhongnan University of Economics & Law, Wuhan, PR China
New Checks and Balances in Globalized Economy: The Role of Intellectual Property, Cornell University Law School
Location: Ithaca, New York, USA
New Checks and Balances in Globalized Economy: The Role of Intellectual Property
Workshop "Financing Innovation"
Location: George Washington University Law School, Washington D.C., USA
10.12.10 - 12.12.10
Protection of Biotechnological Inventions
Location: Haifa Law School, Israel
Laudatio anlässlich der Diesel-Medaille 2010 an die European Patent Academy, Deutsches Museum
Location: Munich, Germany
Munich the City of IP and Innovation - From a Global Perspective
Shanghai International IP Forum 2010 & Intellectual Property and Innovative Cities
Location: Shanghai, PR China
The Role of Digital Rights Management (DRM) Technology in Contemporary Copyright
Location: Beijing, PR China
Intellectual Property a Pillar of Innovation and Competitiveness
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
The European Economy in the Financial Crises – Panel Discussion Contribution
Location: Austria
Zur Patentierung humaner embryonaler Stammzellen in Europa - Verwendet die Stammzellforschung menschliche Embryonen für industrielle oder kommerzielle Zwecke?
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
The Co-Existence of Plant Breeders’ Rights and Patents – Possible Solutions
Location: Sevilla, Spain
Patent Application as an Abuse of Dominant Market Position under Article 82 EC Treaty?
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Intellectual Property Protection in Europe
The Third Tongji International Intellectual Property Forum
Location: Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
Application of European Intellectual Property Experience in Emerging Countries
Conference "Intellectual Property Protection and Management"
Location: Beijing University, PR China
Promoting Access to Medicines Through Balancing Patent Rights and Responsibilities
Inaugural Ceremony of the Intellectual Property Institute of Renmin University of China
Location: Beijing, PR China
Does Stem Cell Research in Europe Use Human Embryos for Industrial or Commercial Purposes?
Meeting of the Novartis Advisory Board on Ethics
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Strategic Tasks of ALLEA Standing Committee on Intellectual Property Rights
ALLEA Extraordinary Strategy Meeting, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Does Stem Cell Research in Europe Use Human Embryos for Industrial or Commercial Purposes? A Comment of EBA G 02/06 Decision"
ALLEA/Hungarian IP Office/World Science Forum Symposium "Intellectual Property rights in the European Research Area: Grand Challenges and New Opportunities
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Laudatio for Sir Professor Roger Elliott, Oxford
ALLEA, Hungarian Patent Office and the World Science Forum Symposium in Honour of Sir Roger Elliott
Location: Hungarian Patent Office, Budapest, Hungary
Patent Application as an Abuse of Dominant Market Position under Article 82 EC Treaty?
Session "New Frontiers in Antitrust Liability: Abuses of Patent Settlements and Standard-Making", Congress of International League of Competition Law
Location: Vienna, Austria
The Role and Task of Science & Technology for Sustainable Development - an IP Lawyer’s Point of View
METI-JETRO Symposium 2009 "Boosting Science and Technology Through Industrial Collaboration 2009"
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Business in the Global Eco-System: Initiatives to Foster Innovation
Keynote speech, Conference "Trading Ideas: The Future of IP in Asia and Pacific"
Location: Intellectual Property Office, Singapore
Scholarly Contribution to Comparative Patent Law by Martin Adelman
Patent System as Stimulus for Economy, 2009 High Technology Protection Summit, CASRIP
Location: Seattle, USA
Patent Law Harmonization - Do We Need a New International Patent Law?
Session "Intellectual Property Rights, Patents and Standards in Global Markets", 4th Transatlantic Market Conference - Transatlantic Cooperation for Growth and Employment
Location: Washington D.C., USA
Promoting Access to Medicines Through Balancing Patent Rights and Responsibilities
WIPO Conference on Intellectual Property and Public Policy Issues
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Patents on Biomaterial
Location: Department for Mercantile Law of the University of South Africa, Pretoria
Patenting of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Europe after the WARF Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office
ESTOOLS Open Symposium on Stem Cell Science
Location: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, Italy
The Role of Intellectual Property in the Globalized Economy
Location: Grinnell College, Iowa, USA
Legal Protection of Biotech Inventions and Medicines in the USA and Europe
Keynote speech, International Conference on Biotech Medicines Innovations in Developing Countries: IP Protection and Regulations for Safety and Efficacy
Location: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Clouds on European IP Sky & The (Weather) Forecast
Conference on EU IP Enforcement: Present and Future
Location: Waseda Law School, Tokyo, Japan
Biotechnology and Patents from a European Perspective
Salzburg Global Seminar
Location: Salzburg, Austria
The Importance of IP Teaching in Universities
Conference Disseminating IP Knowledge in Universities, European Patent Office
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
Zur Rolle des Rechts und der Ethik in der Globalisierten Wirtschaft
Münchener Wissenschaftstage
Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Perspectives on Biotechnology Patents: Laws and Regulations in Europe
Biolatina 2008: Biotechnology in Latin America; 8th Latin-American Congress:
Fair on Biotechnology; 4th Brazilian Congress on Biotechnology
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Abuse of Patents and Forfeiture of Claims, Counter Claims for Damages for MaliciousLitigation
EU-China Workshop on the Chinese Patent Law
Location: Harbin, PR China
Compulsory Licensing – Introduction to the Role and Limitations
EU-China Workshop on the Chinese Patent Law
Location: Harbin, PR China
Definition of Novelty, Novelty Criteria & Other Issues
EU-China Workshop on the Chinese Patent Law
Location: Harbin, PR China
Development and Development Agenda Anomalies or Complements?
SFIR & AIPPI Sweden 100 Years Centennial Celebration
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Exhaustion of Patent Rights – Recent Developments in Europe
CASRIP High Technology Summit 2008
Location: University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Biomedicine and Patents, The European Approach
Conference "Law Meets Industry: Biosciences Patents"
Location: University of Haifa, Israel
09.06.08 - 11.06.08
The Strategic Importance of Patenting After TRIPS in Europe and Beyond
Conference "Intellectual Property and Development", SWISSCAM Brazil, Swiss-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce
Location: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Brazil
Internationale Harmonisierung des Patentrechts: Möglichkeiten – Vor- und Nachteile für Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft
Expertengespräch "Schutz und Nutzungsrechte in Forschungskooperationen zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft", Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Location: Berlin, Germany
22.05.08 - 23.05.08
Opening of the Conference "The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy"
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Location: Munich, Germany
Patenting and Licensing in Genetic Testing
Workshop of the European Society of Human Genetics
Location: Royal Belgium Academy of Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
International Protection of Intellectual Property Beyond TRIPS
Location: Cornell University School of Law, Ithaca, New York, USA
Bilaterale Verträge und bessere Koordination als Mittel der TRIPS-FLocationschreibung
Internationales Fachhearing "Der Schutz Geistigen Eigentums in einer Globalisierten Welt", jointly organized by the Bavarian State Government and the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC)
Location: Munich, Germany
The Strategic Importance of Patenting after TRIPS in Europe and Beyond
Seminar "Patent Policy in Europe and Turkey"
Location: University of Ankara Law School, Ankara, Turkey
The Strategic Importance of Patenting after TRIPS in Europe and Beyond
Seminar "Patent Policy in Europe and Turkey"
Location: Università IULM Feltre, Italy
The Impact of TRIPS on Global Economics
European Patent Academy Public Seminar: "The Industrial Property Business"
Location: European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
Is There a "Global Warming of Patents"?
"Managing, Financing and Protecting Innovation", International Conference on the Occasion of the Fourth Venice Award for Intellectual Property Culture, jointly organized by the European Patent Office, the Italian Patent and Trademark Office and Venice International University
Location: San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy
Patents and Biotechnology
WIPO International Seminar on the Strategic Use of Intellectual Property for Economic and Social Development, organized by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with The Slovenian Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Intellectual Property/Academic Freedom? A complex Relationship within the Innovation Ecosystem
International Symposium "The University in the Market Place" organized by Academia Europaea and Wenner-Gren Foundation
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
IP Infrastructures in Asia's Emerging Markets, The Industrial Property Perspective
The 5th Shanghai International IP Forum: The Impact of WTO TRIPS
Agreement on the Economic Development of Asian Countries
Location: Shanghai, PR China
Patents on Human Embryonic Stem Cells and on Transgenic Plants - What have they in Common?
Discussion of some European Dilemmas
Location: University for Law and Economics, Wuhan, PR China
Patents on Human Embryonic Stem Cells and on Transgenic Plants - What have they in Common?
Discussion of some European Dilemmas
Location: Scuola Superiore di Catania, Italy
Ethical Issues in Patenting Human Embryonic Stem Cells - A European Problem?
CASRIP High Technology Protection Summit
Location: Seattle, USA
Patenting of Genes and Exploiting as well as Enforcing such Patents in Europe as Compared with the US
Session on Gene Patents and Licensing Practices; Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health and Society
Location: US Department of Health, Washington D.C., USA
The Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy Senate, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Location: Salzburg, Austria
Patentierung von humanen embryonalen Stammzellen - Gegenwärtiger Stand 30. Sitzung der Zentralen Ethik-Kommission für Stammzellenforschung (ZES), Robert-Koch-Institut
Location: Berlin, Germany
Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Goods - Reconciling National Security and Economic Development - A Challenge for the G8
The German Marshall Fund of the United States and Alfred Herrhausen Society's Conference
Location: Berlin, Germany
18.04.07 - 19.04.07
The Impact of GATT 94 and TRIPS on Economic Development - Not Development Agenda
European Patent Forum
Location: European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
China and India - The Two New Players in the Intellectual Property Game
Location: Washington D.C., USA
Flexibilities in the Patent System
Colloquium on Selected Patent Issues; George Washington University Law School, World Intellectual Property Organization
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
On the Role of Law and Ethics in the Globalized Economy
Brainstorming Meeting of Easa Members
Location: Munich, Germany
16.11.06 - 17.11.06
Intellectual Property and Development: Innovation, IP Law and its Impact on Social, Cultural and Economic Development: Perspectives from India, Europe and WIPO
International Seminar on Intellectual Property Education and Research
Location: NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India
27.10.06 - 28.10.06
Die Patentierung von humanen embryonalen Stammzellen - ein rechtsvergleichender Überblick
Symposium "Patentierbarkeit der Forschungsergebnisse im Zusammenhang mit humanen embryonalen Stammzellen"
Location: Chungnam National University Research Center for Intellectual Property, Daejeon, South Korea
The Role of IPRs in the New World Economic Order
40th Congress of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual property (AIPPI)
Location: Göteborg, Sweden
Patents on God's Creation - To Whose Benefit?
Analysis, Exploitation and Conservation of Biodiversity, Annual Meeting 2006 of the German Association for Gene Diagnostics (AGD e.V.)
Location: Cologne, Germany
Harmonisierung des internationalen Patentrechts
Symposium "25 Jahre Deutsch-Chinesische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet des Geistigen Eigentums"
Location: Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, Munich, Germany
Der Einfluss von GATT und TRIPS auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Bird & Bird Patentseminar
Location: Düsseldorf, Germany
Intellectual Property Rights to Work for All
Chairman Session
Science and Technology inSociety (STS) Forum
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Panel Quality Issues in the Patent System
1st EPIP Conference of the EPIP Association on "Policy, Law and Economics of Intellectual Property"
Location: European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
Schränkt der Patentschutz für Gensequenzen die Freiheit der Forschung ein?
Diskussionsabend der Stiftung "Forschung für Leben", Collegium Helveticum
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Stem Cell Research and Stem Cell Patenting in Europe
2nd EuroScience Open Forum
Location: Munich, Germany
12.06.06 - 14.06.06
The Impact of GATT and TRIPS on Economic Development
First CEI International Conference on Transfer in Life Sciences, A North-South Dialogue
Location: Trieste, Italy
Patents and Biotechnology Development in Europe
Conference Biotechnology Patents and Policy: What's the Evidence?
Location: University of Alberta, Banff, Canada
The Impact of the New World Economic Order on Economic Development
Conference on the Role of the United States in World Intellectual Property Law
Location: The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, USA
How Effective are Research Exemptions in Patent Law? The German Experience
Research Use of Patented Inventions CSIC/OECD/OEPM Conference
Location: Madrid, Spain
Justifying Intellectual Property in the Society of Knowledge
Markets and Innovation in the Society of Knowledge; Center for Research on Markets, Innovation and Technology
Location: Department of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway
Grace Period - First Real Chance after 70 Years
WIPO Open Forum on the Draft SPLT
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Patenting of Genes and Life Forms, and the Impact of Patenting on Upstream Science
WIPO Open Forum on the Draft SPLT
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Die Patentierung von humanen Stammzellen nach EU-Recht und in der Praxis des EPA
Tagung "Perspektiven und Risiken der Stammzelltherapie" der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste
Location: Munich, Germany
The Concept and Meaning of Quality in the European Patent System – An Academic View suppLocationed but by own thoughts
Conference on Quality in the European Patent System
Location: European Patent Office, The Hague, The Netherlands
IP Rights as Means of Appropriation and Distribution of Knowledge
World Science Forum “Knowledge, Ethics and Responsibility”
Location: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Disclosure of Origin or Source of Genetic Resources & Associated Traditional Knowledge in Patent Application – Proposal of the European Community and its Member States
Conference BioJapan 2005
Location: Yokohama, Japan
TRIPS, TRIPS-plus or TRIPS-minus – Remarks on the Future of International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
The 22nd Congress on the Law of the World, "The Rule of Law and Harmony of International Society"; Supreme Court of China
Location: Beijing, PR China
Compound (DNA-Sequence) Protection Eroded? – An Academic Point of View
Seminar "Compound Protection and its Erosion in Germany: How Stable is it Elsewhere? – An International Assessment"; Vossius & Partner
Location: Munich, Germany
Challenges Faced by Academic Institutions in Teaching of Intellectual Property and Carrying out Intellectual Property Research
International Symposium on Intellectual Property (IP) Education and Research, World Intellectual Property Organization
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Community Patents and Central Patent Enforcement in Europe
Annual Conference of Licensing Executive Society (LES)
Location: Munich, Germany
IP and Economic Development and other World Issues in IP
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) Australian Group
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Protecting Biotechnological Inventions in Europe – Statutory Rules and Case Law
Tongji University
Location: Shanghai, PR China
Protecting Inventions in the Area of Biotechnology and Software in Europe
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Location: Wuhan, PR China
The Impact of GATT and TRIPS on Economic Development of China
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Location: Wuhan, PR China
The New Circumstances of IP Protection and its Developing Tendencies and Hotspots
Delivered on the occasion of an award of Honorary Professorship, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Location: Wuhan, PR China
Basic Issues of Patenting DNA Sequences and Human Embryonic Stem Cells
'Slovenian Academy of Science and Art
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Role of GATT and TRIPS for the Globalized Economy
Location: Cornell University Law School, Ithaca, NY, USA
Patentability Principles and the DABUS Cases on Artificial Intelligence
WIPO-HUST Summer School 2021
Location: Wuhan, PR China (online)
Artificial Intelligence and Patenting
Zhongnan University, Wuhan, PR China
Online lecture
International and European Patent Law: Patent Law History & Justification of Patent Protection
Zhongnan University, Wuhan, PR China
Online lecture
Summer 2008 / Summer 2009 / Summer 2010 / Summer 2011/ Summer 2012 / Summer 2013 / Summer 2014 / Summer 2015 / Summer 2016 / Summer 2017 / Summer 2018 / Summer 2019 / Summer 2020 / Summer 2021
Protection of Biotechnological lnventions
Location: Munich
Winter 07/08 / Winter 08/09 / Winter 09/10 / Winter 10/11 / Winter 12/13 / Winter 13/14 / Winter 14/15 / Winter 15/16 / Winter 16/17 / Winter 17/18 / Winter 18/19 / Winter 19/20 / Winter 20/21 / Winter 21/22
European Patent Law
Location: Munich
Summer 2007 / Spring 2011 / Spring 2014 / Spring 2015 / Spring 2016 / Spring 2017 / Spring 2018
Chemical and Biotech Patents
George Washington University School of Law
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Managing Intellectual Property and Innovation
Distancelearning courses, University of South Africa (UNISA)
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Winter 13/14
Advanced Topics on Law and Technology
Tsinghua University
Location: Bejing, PR China
Spring 2012 / Spring 2013
Biotechnology Patent and Chemical Patent Law
George Washington University School of Law
Location: Washington, DC, USA
Protection of Biotechnological Inventions
Haifa Law School
Location: Haifa, Israel
Winter 10/11
Schwerpunkte der neuesten Entwicklungen im Deutschen, Europäischen und Internationalen Patentrecht
Location: Munich
Summer 2007 / Summer 2008
Vorlesung "Deutsches und Europäisches Patentrecht, Gebrauchsmusterrecht"
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
Location: Munich
Participation in projects
IP Infrastructures in Asian countries (zus. mit Prof. Paul Goldstein, Stanford)