5893 publications found.
The Impact of Timing and Type of Donation Decision on Charitable Giving Social Choice and Welfare 2025.
(2025).Accounting for Embodied Emissions of Chemicals within the European Carbon Border Adjustment Measure Research Square 2025.
The Illusory Standard of Significant Human Contribution to AI Assisted Inventions after the DABUS Decision of the German Federal Court of Justice (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 25-01), 2025, 14
Urheberrechtsschutz für Designermöbel in den Mitgliedstaaten unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft ("Eames-Chair") - Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 24.10.2024 – EUGH Aktenzeichen C22723 C-227/23 – Kwantum/Vitra Collections AG ZUM 69, 2 (2025), 112 - 115.
The Development of Distinctive Signs for Collective Use: A Latin American Perspective in: Andrea Zappalaglio, Enrico Bonadio (
Der Verlagsvertrag in: Michael A. Meer (
COP29 kararları zayıf: 'Jeopolitik gelişmeler iklim eylemini yavaşlatıyor' (COP29 outcomes are weak: 'Geopolitical developments slow climate action') - interview İklim Masası 2024.
Does Broadband Internet Promote Digital Labor and Territorial Cohesion? Empirical Evidence from the New Generation Broadband Extension Program in Spain Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 24-16.