Award  |  08/15/2018

AoM Award for Laurie Ciaramella

The Trade and Relocation of Intellectual Property Rights: Laurie Ciaramella’s thesis contributes to the understanding of markets for patents.

Photo: Laurie Ciaramella, AoM Best Dissertation Award Finalist

On 13 August 2018, Laurie Ciaramella received the AoM Best Dissertation Award Finalists for her thesis “Trade and Relocation of Intellectual Property: Essays on the Markets for Patents” during the Technology and Innovation Management Division Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago.

For her thesis, Laurie Ciaramella uses in-depth empirical analysis to explore understudied aspects of the markets for patents, on which firms exchange intangible assets that provide them with a temporary monopoly right on a technology. The main approach is an empirical microeconomic analysis, which is complemented using insights from economic theory, understanding of the law and tax subtleties of the patent system, and knowledge regarding the management of Intellectual Property assets by firms.

The thesis contributes to the understanding of the markets for patents, by highlighting novel motives for their use, by emphasizing firms’ strategies regarding the management of their Intellectual Property assets, and by providing original evidence on the scope and dynamics of these markets, as well as on unexplored sources for their malfunctioning.

Laurie Ciaramella graduated at MINES ParisTech. Her thesis was supervised by Yann Ménière and Catalina Martinez. Since December 2017, Laurie Ciaramella is Senior Research Fellow at the department Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research.

Award  |  08/14/2018

AoM Best Empirical Paper Award for Laura Rosendahl Huber and Laura Bechthold

Yes, I Can! ‒ A Field Experiment on Female Role Model Effects in Entrepreneurship

On 13 August 2018, Laura Rosendahl Huber, Ph.D., and Laura Bechthold received the Best Empirical Paper Award for their paper “Yes, I Can! –A Field Experiment on Female Role Model Effects in Entrepreneurship” during the Entrepreneurship Division Business Meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago.

The paper examines how exposure to female entrepreneurial role models influences the development of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, attitudes and intentions among female students. Drawing on a field experiment and social learning theory as well as existing research concerning role model effects, the study provides evidence that role model effects do not only occur by chance, but can be purposefully triggered in an educational setting. Hence, exploiting female role model effects may serve as an effective mechanism to foster female entrepreneurship.

The prize, endowed with USD 1,500, is sponsored by the Kennesaw State University.

Logo der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Miscellaneous  |  07/06/2018

Establishment of the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation

On 26 June 2018, the Bavarian State Government has decided to establish the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (BIT) which is to study the impact of digitalization on all aspects of life. Under the auspices of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, it will bring together the most important research groups in Bavaria, act as a think tank, and engage with the general public.

Participating institutions in the establishment of the BIT are: the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, the TU Munich, LMU Munich, the Bavarian School of Public Policy, the Akademie für Politische Bildung (Scholarship - Education - Public Services), the ISF (Institute for Social Science Research), the JMU (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), the FAU (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), and the University of Passau. The network is continuously being expanded with new innovative research partners.

Dietmar Harhoff, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, is a member of the founding board of directors of the MCIR.

Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI)
People  |  07/05/2018

Dietmar Harhoff reappointed to the Commission of Experts for Research an Innovation (EFI)

Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation, has been reappointed to the Commission of Experts for Research an Innovation (EFI).

The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation - EFI) provides scientific advice to the German Federal Government and periodically delivers reports on research, innovation and technological productivity in Germany. A key task is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the German innovation system in an international comparison. Furthermore, Germany's perspectives as a location for research and innovation are evaluated on the basis of the latest research findings. EFI presents proposals for national research and innovation policy.

Portrait of Michaela Hutterer
Miscellaneous  |  06/20/2018

Press release: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition hosting new “Journalist in Residence”

Michaela Hutterer to investigate the significance of net neutrality in economic and competition-law terms.

Miscellaneous  |  06/14/2018

Program available - 6th Crowdinvesting Symposium “Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings”

On Friday, 20 July 2018, the 6th Crowdinvesting Symposium "Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings" takes place at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.

The annual event was initiated by Prof. Dr. Lars Klöhn, Humboldt University Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf, University of Bremen. It was first organized in February 2013 at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich.

Since April 2016, Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf is Affiliated Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition within the scope of the research project "Crowdinvesting in Germany, England and the USA: Regulatory Perspectives and Welfare Implications of a New Financing Scheme" which is funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).

The symposium offers academics and practitioners a platform to exchange ideas about the latest developments in this field as well as for networking. Moreover, it is a forum for the information of legislators on the European and national level on a scientific basis and with regard to new legislative proposals or legal reform projects. For this purposes, each year a priority topic is defined which covers current issues of crowdinvesting from an economic and legal perspective. The findings of the symposia are published in high-ranking scientific journals.

See Program

Picture of Marco Botta
People  |  06/13/2018

Marco Botta awarded habilitation in economic law

The Italian Ministry of Education and Research has awarded Marco Botta, Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, a habilitation (qualification for a professorship) in the field of economic law.

Picture of Marco Botta

Link to personal page of Marco Botta

Miscellaneous  |  02/28/2018

Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI) presents Annual Report 2018 on Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany to German Chancellor Merkel

On February 28, 2018, the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation chaired by Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D., Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation, has presented the eleventh report on research, innovation and technological performance in Germany to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer, Prof. Dr. Monika Schnitzer, German Federal Minister of Education and Research Johanna Wanka, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Uschi Backes-Gellner, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott, Prof. Dr. Uwe Cantner. Photo: Myriam Rion

The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation - EFI) provides scientific advice to the German Federal Government and periodically delivers reports on research, innovation and technological productivity in Germany. A key task is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the German innovation system in an international comparison. Furthermore, Germany's perspectives as a location for research and innovation are evaluated on the basis of the latest research findings. EFI presents proposals for national research and innovation policy.

Miscellaneous  |  02/01/2018

Press release: Research on Internet user behavior: Clear rules could prevent copyright infringements

In a recent study on German consumers’ use of copyright-protected content on the internet, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition reveals surprising insights and calls on policy-makers and businesses to act.

6th Crowdinvesting Symposium
Miscellaneous  |  01/29/2018

Call for Papers - 6th Crowdinvesting Symposium “Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings”

On Friday, 20 July 2018, the 6th Crowdinvesting Symposium "Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings" takes place at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.

The annual event was initiated by Prof. Dr. Lars Klöhn, Humboldt University Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf, University of Bremen. It was first organized in February 2013 at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich.

Since April 2016, Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf is Affiliated Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition within the scope of the research project "Crowdinvesting in Germany, England and the USA: Regulatory Perspectives and Welfare Implications of a New Financing Scheme" which is funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).

The symposium offers academics and practitioners a platform to exchange ideas about the latest developments in this field as well as for networking. Moreover, it is a forum for the information of legislators on the European and national level on a scientific basis and with regard to new legislative proposals or legal reform projects. For this purposes, each year a priority topic is defined which covers current issues of crowdinvesting from an economic and legal perspective. The findings of the symposia are published in high-ranking scientific journals.

See Call for Papers