Seminar  |  26.04.2023 | 15:00  –  16:15

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Seminar: The Lost Ester Boserups – The Impact of Parenthood on Academic Careers

Anne Sophie Lassen (CBS)

Raum 313

Women continue to be underrepresented in the field of economics, especially among permanent faculty. Using 40 years of Danish administrative data combined with bibliometric data on publications from the Scopus database, we study the impact of children on women’s probability of successful academic careers. Our event study estimates show that parenthood reduces women’s likelihood of staying in academia by 10 percent relative to men, and the gap appears to be permanent. We further document a gender gap in the likelihood of getting tenure in the three years following parenthood, conditional on staying in academia, while the gender gap in publications is insignificant.

Ansprechpartnerin: Marina Chugunova

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