Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research

Optimal Pricing and Quality of Academic Journals and the Ambiguous Welfare Effects of Forced Open Access: A Two-sided Model

Mueller-Langer, Frank; Watt, Richard (2013). Optimal Pricing and Quality of Academic Journals and the Ambiguous Welfare Effects of Forced Open Access: A Two-sided ModelRatSWD Working Paper No. 223.

We analyse optimal pricing and quality of a monopolistic journal and the optimality of open access in a two-sided model. The predominant aspect of the model that determines the quality levels at which open access is optimal is the nature of the (non-linear) externalities between readers and authors in a journal. We show that there exist scenarios in which open access is a feature of highquality journals. Besides, we find that the removal of copyright (and thus forced open access) will likely increase both readership and authorship, will decrease
journal profits, and may increase social welfare.


Published in Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume 42, Issue 8, Special Issue: Economic Perspectives on the Future of Academic Publishing, December 2021, Pages 1945-1959