Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Review of: Gintarė Surblytė-Namavičienė: Competition and Regulation in the Data Economy: Does Artificial Intelligence Demand a New Balance?, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (U.K.) und Northampton (USA) 2020. V + 285 S. ISBN: 978-1-788811-664-0

Richter, HeikoRezension von: Gintarė Surblytė-Namavičienė: Competition and Regulation in the Data Economy: Does Artificial Intelligence Demand a New Balance?, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (U.K.) und Northampton (USA) 2020. V + 285 S. ISBN: 978-1-788811-664-0 Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law 12, 4 (2021), 474 - 477.