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5875 Publikationen gefunden.


Kim, Daria Why AI Cannot and Should Not Become a ‘Black Hole’ for Causation in Tort Law Tort Law 2024, forthcoming.


Kim, Daria (Hg.) Rebuilding Ukraine - The Case of the Health Sector (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper, No. 24-02), Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich 2024, 59 S.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Kur, Annette The More, the Merrier? - Das Kumulationsproblem im geltenden und künftigen EU-Designrecht in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 369 - 379.

Beiträge in Sammelwerken

Dermawan, Artha Artificial Intelligence and Consensus-Based Remuneration Regime in Southeast Asia in: Law, Governance and Technology Series, Springer, Berlin 2024, forthcoming (gemeinsam mit Péter Mezei).


Lewinski, Silke von (Hg.) Copyright Throughout the World (Loseblatt) - Lieferung 2024 (International series), Thomson Reuters, St. Paul/Minnesota 2024.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Widmann, Rainer (2024). The Behavioral Additionality of Government Research Grants International Journal of Industrial Organization 93.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Foster, Vivien; Trotter, Philipp A.; Werner, Sven; Niedermayer, Melin; Mulugetta, Yacob; Achakulwisut, Ploy; Brophy, Aoife; Dubash, Navroz K.; Fankhauser, Sam; Hawkes, Adam; Hirmer, Stephanie; Jenkins, Stuart; Loni, Sam; McGivern, Alexis; Nanthavong, Khamphone; Probst, Benedict; Pye, Steve; Russo, Vladimir; Semieniuk, Gregor; Shenga, Carlos; Sridharan, Vignesh; Srivastav, Sugandha; Sokona, Youba; Somavilla Croxatto, Lucas; Yang, Pu (2024). Development Transitions for Fossil Fuel-Producing Low and Lower–Middle Income Countries in a Carbon-Constrained World Nature Energy, 9, 242-250.


Richter, Heiko EU Digital Legislation as a "Wimmelpicture"? What Children's Books Can Teach Us About Laws IIC 55, 2 (2024), 179 - 184.

Beiträge in Festschriften

Kim, Daria Patents for Enabling Technologies: The Puzzle of the Normative Delineation of Protection in: Kreation Innovation Märkte - Creation Innovation Markets - Festschrift Reto M. Hilty, Springer, Berlin; Heidelberg 2024, 551 - 562.


Wiedemann, Klaus Zur Zulässigkeit personalisierter Preise: Datenschutz- und Antidiskriminierungsrecht als Teil des modernen Wirtschaftsrechts WRP 70, 3 (2024), 296 - 305.