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5821 Publikationen gefunden.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Sakowsky Ediboglu, Ezgi COP 28’den neler beklemeliyiz? İklim Masası 2023.


Bastos, Paulo; Flach, Lisandra; Keller, Klaus (2023). Robotizing to Compete? Firm-Level Evidence Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 23-23.


Sakowsky Ediboglu, Ezgi The Legal Personality of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Climate Change Regime Treaties (Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, No. 23-24), 2023, 19 S.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Sakowsky Ediboglu, Ezgi Türkiye, iklim değişikliği hedeflerini güçlendirmeli İklim Masası 2023.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Pauer, Nada Ina Competition Conference Report: Disclosure of Evidence in Antitrust Damages Actions in Europe Kluwer Competition Law Blog 2023.


Ullrich, Hanns The Unified Patent Court Yearbook of European Law 2023, 1 - 34, 11.11.2023.


GPAI, The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (Hg.) Fostering Contractual Pathways for Responsible AI Data and Model Sharing for Generative AI and Other AI Applications. GPAI I&C WG: Protection Innovation, Intellectual Property (IP) Project. Report 2023, 44 S. (gemeinsam mit Lee J. Tiedrich et al.).


Jorzik, Nathalie; Kirchhof, Paljana; Mueller-Langer, Frank (2023). Industrial Data Sharing and Data Readiness: A Law and Economics Perspective Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 23-22.


Romanadze, Luiza Roadmap: Implementation of Court-Connected Mediation in Ukraine. Council of Europe 2023, 37 S. (gemeinsam mit Nataliia Mazaraki et al.).

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Ortega Sanabria, Diego (Próximas) licencias obligatorias en Colombia: ¿sostenibilidad financiera como razón de interés público? Blog: Lvcentinvs 2023.