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1607 Publikationen gefunden.


Sibanda, McLean The Intellectual Property System as a Catalyst for Socio-Economic Development for Middle Income Countries – Lessons from South Africa EIPR 42, 11 (2020), 738 - 750 (gemeinsam mit Joseph Straus).


Geiger, Christophe The Constitutionalization of Intellectual Property Law in the EU and the Funke Medien, Pelham and Spiegel Online Decisions of the CJEU: Progress, but Still Some Way to Go! IIC 51, 3 (2020), 282 - 306 (gemeinsam mit Elena Izyumenko).


Chakrabarti, Gargi Geographical Indications - Analysis of Registered Products towards Improved Legal Protection in India Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 11, 1 (2020), 86 - 97.


Pauer, Nada Ina Strenge Haltung des EuGHs für "Reverse Payment Settlements" in der Pharmabranche Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 3 (2020), 109 - 117.


Zappalaglio, Andrea Sui Generis Geographical Indications for the Protection of Non-Agricultural Products in the EU: Can the Quality Schemes Fulfil the Task? IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 51, 1 (2020), 31 - 69 (gemeinsam mit Flavia Guerrieri, Suelen Carls).


Botta, Marco To Discriminate or Not to Discriminate? Personalised Pricing in Online Markets as Exploitative Abuse of Dominance European Journal of Law and Economics 50 (2020), 381 - 404 (gemeinsam mit Klaus Wiedemann).


Richter, Heiko Zugang des Staates zu Daten der Privatwirtschaft Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 53, 8 (2020), 245 - 248.


Globocnik, Jure The Right to Be Forgotten is Taking Shape: CJEU Judgments in GC and Others (C-136/17) and Google v CNIL (C-507/17) GRUR Int 69, 4 (2020), 380 - 388.


Ullrich, Hanns BVerfG contra EuGH: Der PSPP-Konflikt Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht 6 (2020), 301 - 323.


Nérisson, Sylvie The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Creative Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Management of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms GRUR Int 69, 8 (2020), 852 - 854.