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1620 Publikationen gefunden.


Cseres, Kati Europeanization, Regional Cooperation and the Challenges of Legal Transplants in Competition Law Kluwer Competition Law Blog 2023 (gemeinsam mit Nataliia Mazaraki).


Mazaraki, Nataliia Main Developments in Competition Law and Policy 2022 – Ukraine Kluwer Competition Law Blog 2023 (gemeinsam mit Anzhelika Gerasymenko).


Breckwoldt Jurado, Altair Vagueness in Artificial Intelligence: The 'Fuzzy Logic' of AI-Related Patent Claims Digital Society 2023, 1 - 25, 02.01.2023 (gemeinsam mit Rebeca Ferrero Guillén).


Mercurio, Bryan Pharmaceutical Patent Law and Policy in Africa: A Survey of Selected SADC Member States (2023) 43, 2 Legal Studies, 331 - 350 (gemeinsam mit Tolulope Adekola, Chimdessa Fekadu Tsega).


Pauer, Nada Ina The 11th Amendment of the German Act Against Restraints of Competition - A 'New Competition Tool', Facilitated Disgorgement and the DMA's Enforcement Journal of European Competition Law and Practice 14, 6 (2023), 354 - 359.


Esteban, Helmut Is the Transition to E-mobility the Silver Bullet to Achieve Climate-neutral Transport? An Interdisciplinary Review in the Search for Consistency and Collateral Effects European Business Law Review 34, 1 (2023), 81 - 98 (gemeinsam mit Begoña Gonzalez Otero).


Kur, Annette Substantive Law Aspects of the 'Design Package' GRUR Int 72, 6 (2023), 557 - 565 (gemeinsam mit Tobias Endrich-Laimböck, Marc Huckschlag).


Lamping, Matthias Revisiting the Framework for Compulsory Licensing of Patents in the European Union – Reflections on the European Commission’s Initiative GRUR Int 72, 5 (2023), 471 - 482 (gemeinsam mit Pedro Henrique D. Batista et al.).


Drexl, Josef Position Statement of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition of 2 May 2023 on the Implementation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) GRUR Int 72, 9 (2023), 864 - 875 (gemeinsam mit Beatriz Conde Gallego et al.).


Wiedemann, Klaus Datenschutz- und Kartellrecht auf Facebook und andernorts – Anmerkung zu EuGH in Sachen Meta Platforms u.a./Bundeskartellamt NZKart - Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 11, 11 (2023), 601 - 604.