792 Publikationen gefunden.
Mann, Heather; Garcia-Rada, Ximena; Hornuf, Lars; Tafurt, Juan; Iversen, Edwin; Ariely, Dan (2015). Everyday Dishonesty: Towards a Theory of Multiple Honesty Domains.
Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews
Tzur Bitan, Dana; Müller, Maria Christina; Keren, Shlomit; Krieger, Israel; Hornuf, Lars (2015). War Within, War Outside: A Psychoanalytic Account of Delusional Themes in Germany and Israel During the Twentieth Century, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 63 (1), NP1-NP7.
Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews
Hornuf, Lars; Gabor, Barbara (2015). Regulatory Competition in the Internal Market: Comparing Models for Corporate Law, Securities Law and Competition Law, European Journal of Law and Economics 40 (1), 179-182.
Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews
Harhoff, Dietmar; Cuntz, Alexander (2015). Digitale Transformation – Quo vadis, Deutschland?, Zeitschrift für Politikberatung 7 (4), 176-188.
Lachner, Florian; Nothelfer, Stefan (Hg.) (2015). Entrepreneurship in Bavaria. Trend Report Fall 2015. München: CDTM, Center for Digital Technology and Management.
Gamper, Veronika; Nothelfer, Stefan (Hg.) (2015). The Future of Education. Trend Report Fall 2015. München: CDTM, Center for Digital Technology and Management.
Gamper, Veronika; Nothelfer, Stefan (Hg.) (2015). The Future of Individual Premium Mobility. Trend Report 2015. München: CDTM, Center for Digital Technology and Management.
Dorner, Matthias; Fryges, Helmut; Schopen, Kathrin (2015). Wages in High-Tech Start-Ups – Do Academic Spin-Offs Pay a Wage Premium? ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-038.
Dorner, Matthias; Fryges, Helmut; Schopen, Kathrin (2015). Wages in High-Tech Start-Ups – Do Academic Spin-Offs Pay a Wage Premium? IAB Discussion Papers 17/2015.
Stellner, Florian (2015). Technological Distance: Theoretical Foundations, Statistical Analysis and Application to Mergers and Acquisitions. Norderstedt: Books on Demand.