1622 Publikationen gefunden.
Clarifying Assumptions About Artificial Intelligence Before Revolutionising Patent Law GRUR Int 71, 4 (2022), 295 - 321 (
The implementation of the Digital Single Market Directive of 2019 in Germany RIDA 271, 1 (2022), 57 - 99.
EU Digital Regulation 2022: Data Desiderata GRUR Int 71, 5 (2022), 395 - 402 (
Еволюція Критерію Оригінальності в Авторському Праві України Актуальні Проблеми Держави і Права 96 (2022), 56 - 62.
Artificial Intelligence between Transparency and Secrecy: From the EC Whitepaper to the AIA and Beyond European Journal of Law and Technology 12.3 (2021) (
Towards a More Complete Understanding of Market Power and Consumer Harm in Antitrust Law Promarket.org 2021.
Vertrauenssache Akademie Aktuell - Zeitschrift der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2021.1 (2021), 20 - 23.
The Implementation of Blockchain Technologies in Chinese Courts Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy 4.1 (2021), 102 - 120 04.01.2021.