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1619 Publikationen gefunden.


Spina Alì, Gabriele Artificial Intelligence between Transparency and Secrecy: From the EC Whitepaper to the AIA and Beyond European Journal of Law and Technology 12.3 (2021) (gemeinsam mit Ronald Yu).


Beneke Ávila, Francisco Towards a More Complete Understanding of Market Power and Consumer Harm in Antitrust Law 2021.


Drexl, Josef Vertrauenssache Akademie Aktuell - Zeitschrift der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2021.1 (2021), 20 - 23.


Lu, Tian The Implementation of Blockchain Technologies in Chinese Courts Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy 4.1 (2021), 102 - 120 04.01.2021.


Richter, Heiko Zum Infrastrukturansatz als Funktionsbedingung für eine freie informationsbasierte Gesellschaft Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 13, 4 (2021), 437 - 457.


Kur, Annette Easy Is Not Always Good – The Fragmented System for Adjudication of Unitary Trade Marks and Designs IIC 52, 5 (2021), 579 - 595.


Batista, Pedro Henrique D. No Need of Evidence for Moral Damages Compensation after a Trade Mark Infringement GRUR Int 70, 8 (2021), 764 - 769.


Richter, Heiko Copyright Protection of Government-Related Material Before the Courts of the United States and Canada: Considerations for Future Reforms IIC 52, 1 (2021), 6 - 33.


Batista, Pedro Henrique D. A Implementação do Art. 17 da Diretiva DSM na Alemanha - Visão geral e Questões Controversas na Regulação das Plataformas Digitais (The Implementation of Art. 17 DSM in Germany – Overview and Controversial Questions in the Regulation of Digital Platforms) Revista Rede de Direito Digital, Intelectual & Sociedade 1, 1 (2021), 149 - 207.


Ullrich, Hanns Private Enforcement of the EU Rules on Competition – Nullity Neglected IIC 52, 5 (2021), 606 - 635.