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792 Publikationen gefunden.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Rose, Michael; Shekhar, Suraj (2023). Adviser Connectedness and Placement Outcomes in the Economics Job Market Labour Economics 84.

Andere Veröffentlichungen, Presseartikel, Interviews

Chugunova, Marina (2023). When Humans Interact with Non-Human Agents / Wir und unsere automatisierten Partner, Highlights 2022 from the Yearbook of the Max Planck Society 2023, 34-35.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Ciaramella, Laurie (2023). Taxation and the Transfer of Patents: Evidence from Europe European Economic Review 151.


Agrawal, S.; Rathi, S.; Chatterjee, C.; Higgins, Matthew John (2023). Do Stronger IPR Incentivize Female Participation in Innovation?: Evidence from Chinese AI Patents.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Mickeler, Maren; Khashabi, Pooyan; Kleine, Marco; Kretschmer, Tobias (2023). Knowledge Seeking and Anonymity in Digital Work Settings Strategic Management Journal, 44 (10), 2413-2442.


Schneider, Lambert; Haase, Isabel (2023). Carbon Crediting and Official Development Assistance (Oda) – A Summary of Key Issues Oeko-Institut Working Paper 5/2023. Freiburg: Öko-Institut.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Fritz, Cornelius; De Nicola, Giacomo; Kevork, Sevag; Harhoff, Dietmar; Kauermann, Göran (2023). Modelling the Large and Dynamically Growing Bipartite Network of German Patents and Inventors Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A: Statistics in Society, 186 (3), 557-576.

Artikel in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Hoisl, Karin; Kongsted, Hans Christian; Mariani, Myriam (2023). Lost Marie Curies: Parental Impact on the Probability of Becoming an Inventor Management Science, 69 (3), 1714-1738.


Chugunova, Marina; Lacetera, Nicola (2023). The Ethics and Behavioral Economics of Human-AI Interactions Frontiers in Behavioral Economics 2.


Akari, P.; Chatterjee, C.; Higgins, Matthew John (2023). Don't Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater: Firm Response to Downstream Product Shocks.