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Mackenrodt, Mark-Oliver Data Processing as an Abuse of Market Power in Multi-Sided Markets – The More Competition-Oriented Approach in the German Federal Supreme Court’s Interim Decision KVR 69/19 – Facebook GRUR Int 70, 6 (2021), 562 - 570.


Lewinski, Silke von Une fixation audiovisuelle d’une œuvre audiovisuelle est-elle une reproduction d’un phonogramme? La Cour de Justice dit "non": CJUE, 18 novembre 2020, aff. C-147/19. Droit d'auteur - droits voisins - communication au public - phonogramme - reproduction d'un phonogramme - radiodiffusion (2021) Dalloz IP/IT - Droit de la propriété intellectuelle et du numérique 3 (2021), 148 - 151.


Richter, Heiko Zum Infrastrukturansatz als Funktionsbedingung für eine freie informationsbasierte Gesellschaft Zeitschrift für Geistiges Eigentum 13, 4 (2021), 437 - 457.


Anemaet, Lotte Which Honesty Test for Trademark Law? Why Traders’ Efforts to Avoid Trademark Harm Should Matter When Assessing Honest Business Practices GRUR Int 70, 11 (2021), 1025 - 1042.


Upreti, Pratyush Nath The Role of National and International Intellectual Property Law and Policy in Reconceptualising the Definition of Investment IIC 52, 2 (2021), 103 - 136.


Ullrich, Hanns Private Enforcement of the EU Rules on Competition – Nullity Neglected IIC 52, 5 (2021), 606 - 635.


Upreti, Pratyush Nath Intellectual Property Rights in Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Connecting the Dots through Philip Morris, Eli Lilly and Bridgestone Awards The American Review of International Arbitration 31, 3 (2021), 1 - 60.


Hoffmann, Jörg Can Data Exploitation Be Properly Addressed by Competition Law? A Note of Caution Concurrences 1 (2021), 75 - 82.


Kur, Annette Easy Is Not Always Good – The Fragmented System for Adjudication of Unitary Trade Marks and Designs IIC 52, 5 (2021), 579 - 595.


Straus, Joseph Artificial Intelligence – Challenges and Chances for Europe European Review 29, 1 (2021), 142 - 158.