Kartellrechtszyklus  |  16.10.2014, 15:30

The Future of Competition Policy: more Policy than Competition?

15:30 Uhr, Prof. Dr. Nils Wahl, Generalanwalt am Gerichtshof, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Nils Wahl has been Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 28 November 2012. Previously, he was Judge at the General Court from 7 October 2006 to 28 November 2012, Chairman of the Swedish Network for European Legal Research (2001-06), member of the Council for Competition Law Matters (2001-06), Managing Director of an educational foundation (1993-2004), Professor of European Law, University of Stockholm (2001); Associate Professor (docent) and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair of European Law (1995), Doctor of Laws, University of Stockholm (1995).

Max Planck Lecture Series: Future Challenges of Competition Policy after 10 Years of Modernisation

The tenth anniversary of the entry into force of Regulation No. 1/2003 and of the Merger Control Regulation No. 139/2004 commemorates the most significant competition policy projects of the last decade: modernisation, decentralisation and the more economic approach. The project of modernisation has led to enforcement procedures and decisions which exhibit novel characteristics. Decentralisation has expanded the role of national competition authorities and has also assigned special European responsibility to these authorities. The more economic approach has laid the grounds for novel strands of arguments. In addition, the tenth anniversary of EU enlargement marks a decade of direct application of competition law in the formerly socialist EU Member States.

Against the background of these major upheavals, the lecture series intends to take a forward looking approach by focussing on the future challenges, necessities and developments of EU competition policy. Central actors of EU competition policy, academics and experts from the legal and economic profession are invited to engage in a critical discourse.

We are pleased to invite you!Please register until 10 October 2014 with delia.zirilli(at)ip.mpg.de.

Vortrag  |  15.10.2014, 15:00

[IP]² EEG-Novelle 2014: Fluch oder Segen für CleanTech-Innovationen?

15:00 - 16:00 Uhr, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Dr. Gerd von Laffert
Leiter des Referats Energiepolitische Grundsatzfragen, Energierecht, Bayer. Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Medien, Energie und Technologie.

Urban Windelen
Geschäftsführer, Bundesverband Energiespeicher.

Christoph Dany
Energiepolitische Grundsatzfragen, Kontaktbüro Berlin, Stadtwerke München.

Andreas Flamm
Director of Regulatory Affairs Europe, Entelios AG - an EnerNOC Company.

Dr. Werner Schnappauf
Bayer. Staatsminister a.D. für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz.Philipp WolffGeschäftsführer, Deutsches CleanTech Institut.

Vortrag  |  14.10.2014, 14:30


14:30 - 16:00 Uhr, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Das nächste Institutsseminar findet am Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2014 um 18.00 Uhr s.t. im Raum E 10, Hauptgebäude, statt.

Panagiotis Tsangaris wird sprechen über "Capacity constraints in the electricity spot market: between competition law and REMIT". Henri de Belsunce wird moderieren.

Bitte denken Sie daran, dass die Teilnahme aller Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Abteilungen für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht erwartet wird. Es wird eine Anwesenheitsliste ausliegen.

Vortrag  |  12.10.2014, 15:00

Statutory Domain and the Commercial Law of Intellectual Property: Understanding the U.S. Exhaustion Doctrine

15:00 Uhr, Prof. John F. Duffy, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München

We are delighted to invite you to the next lecture in the MIPLC Lecture Series, which will be held on Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the MIPLC classroom (room 220), which is located on the second floor of the Marstallstraße 8.

Professor John F. Duffy will speak on "Statutory Domain and the Commercial Law of I ntellectual Property: Understanding the U.S. Exhaustion Doctrine". Please see the attached invitation for further information and details.

Workshop  |  08.10.2014, 20:30

Why Specific Rules on Unfair Competition?

20:30 Uhr, Harnack-Haus, München

Nur auf Einladung!

Seminar  |  02.10.2014 | 12:00  –  13:30

Brown Bag-Seminar: Using Big Data to Describe the Results of Science Investments

Julia Lane (American Institutes for Research)

We outline a set of steps that could lead to new quantitative analysis and understanding of science policy based on scientifically grounded conceptual framework and large-scale computational analysis of scientific activity. Getting the right conceptual and empirical framework matters, lest resources and people get squandered because incentives are wrong. Getting an empirical framework based on something other than anecdotes matters, to avoid substantive misunderstandings about the process of science. Seizing the opportunity presented by the explosion in digital information about research products and processes, will require both substantial effort to acquire, integrate, curate, and evolve large quantities of information from many sources, and much innovation in both science policy research and computational methods.

Seminar  |  01.10.2014 | 12:00  –  13:30

Brown Bag-Seminar: The Causal Effects of Competition on Innovation: Experimental Evidence

Stefan Bechtold (ETH Zürich, Center for Law & Economics)

In this paper, we design two laboratory experiments to analyze the causal effects of competition on step-by-step innovation. Innovations result from costly R&D investments and move technology up one step. Competition is inversely measured by the ex post rents for firms that operate at the same technological level, i.e. for neck-and-neck firms. First, we find that increased competition leads to a significant increase in R&D investments by neck-and-neck firms. Second, increased competition decreases R&D investments by firms that are lagging behind, in particular if the time horizon is short. Third, we find that increased competition affects industry composition by reducing the fraction of sectors where firms are neck-and-neck. All these results are consistent with the predictions of step-by-step innovation models.

Seminar  |  24.09.2014 | 12:00  –  13:30

Brown Bag-Seminar: Online Copyright Enforcement: A Stochastic Model of the Graduated Response in France

Patrick Waelbroeck (Paris Tech)

Patentrechtszyklus  |  12.09.2014, 14:30

Über die zunehmende Kritik am Patentsystem und deren (Nicht-) Berechtigung

14:30 Uhr, Ministerialrat a.D. Dr. Stefan Walz, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Gerne möchten wir Sie auf den Vortrag

Über die zunehmende Kritik am Patentsystem und deren (Nicht-) Berechtigung
Ministerialrat a.D. Dr. Stefan Walz

aufmerksam machen und Sie dazu sehr herzlich einladen.

Der Vortrag ist Teil des Patentrechtszyklus 2014 "Patentrecht in der Krise?" des Max-Planck-Instituts für Innovation und Wettbewerb. Er findet am Freitag, den 12. September 2014, um 18.00 Uhr, im Raum E10 des MPI für Innovation und Wettbewerb, Marstallplatz 1, 80539 München statt.

Vortrag  |  09.09.2014, 14:30


14:30 - 16:00 Uhr, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, München, Raum E10

Das nächste Institutsseminar findet am Dienstag, 9. September 2014 um 18.00 Uhr s.t. im Raum E 10, Hauptgebäude, statt.

Franciska Schönherr wird sprechen über "The Construction of an EU Copyright Law - Towards a Balanced Legal Framework". Philipp Eckl wird moderieren.

Bitte denken Sie daran, dass die Teilnahme aller Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Abteilungen für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht erwartet wird. Es wird eine Anwesenheitsliste ausliegen.