Isaac Kundakogo Kunko
Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
+49 89 24246-5314
Wettbewerbsrecht, Immaterialgüterrecht, Arzneimittelrecht, Regulierung, Recht des unlauteren Wettbewerbs
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Seit 08/2019
Doktorand und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb
Doktorvater: Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl, LL.M. (Berkeley)
2014 – 2015
LL.M. (Intellectual Property and Competition Law), Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC)
2013 – 2016
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften, Ghana School of Law, Accra, Ghana
2011 – 2013
Postgraduiertenstudium Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), Universität von Ghana, Legon, Ghana
2003 – 2007
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
2017 – 2019
Dozent für Rechtswissenschaften am Wisconsin International University College, Accra, Ghana
03 – 05/2017
Dozent für Recht am KAAF University College, Accra, Ghana
2016 – 2019
Rechtsanwalt bei AB Lexmall & Associates, Accra, Ghana
09 – 12/2016
Dozent für Rechtswissenschaften an der University of Professional Studies, Accra, Ghana
2010 – 2015
Apotheker, ghanaisches Gesundheitswesen
2009 – 2010
Leitender Pharmazeut, Jinlet Pharmacy Ltd, Accra, Ghana
Pharmazeutisches Praktikum, CS Allot Pharmacy Ltd, Accra & Ridge Hospital, Accra
Stipendien und wissenschaftliche Preise
2014 — 2015
MIPLC Alumni-Stipendium
Stipendium des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD), LL.M (Intellectual Property and Competition Law)
The Search for Originality in the Copyright Regime of Ghana - An Analysis of the case of Pearson Education Ltd v. Adzei, University of Ghana Students Law Journal 5 (2013), 85.
The Regulation of the Distribution of Pharmaceuticals and Its Impact on Access to Medicines in Ghana (MIPLC Master Thesis Series, 2014/15), 2015, 78
- Access to pharmaceuticals as curative or therapeutic agents is a main determinant of the efficiency and quality of a health care system. The overall outcome of a medical intervention often depends largely on the success of the pharmaceutical regimen. Globally, efforts have been made to ensure the availability of drugs in developing countries through the TRIPs flexibilities. Beyond these interventions, the regulation of the distribution of the medicines within the beneficiary countries can negatively affect access of consumers to these drugs. Where a health insurance system exists, high drug prices are not a problem of the individual patient, but still a problem that entails huge social costs.
The distribution of drugs has a great influence on access to drugs by the patient. Accessibility to essential medicines depends on availability, accessibility and acceptability of the essential medicines on the market and whether the patients who need these medicines can afford to purchase them. Access to drugs is affected by laws that regulate the various aspects of distribution, intellectual property related rights like patents and to some extent trade marks. Ghana regulates the distribution of drugs through different sector laws. These laws govern the importation, sale, advertising, prescribing and dispensing of drugs to patients. Ghana imports about 70 percent of its drug needs. Most of these imported drugs are generic drugs. The laws governing the distribution of drugs determine whether the drugs can easily be made available on the market and whether the quality, safety and efficacy will meet the required standard.
The thesis will access both non-intellectual property and intellectual property laws and policies that relate to the distribution of drugs. It will argue that the laws and policy guidelines that govern the distribution of medicines in Ghana adversely affect the availability, accessibility and affordability of medicines. - Available at SSRN