Professor Hilty at the award ceremony
Award  |  11/22/2019

Reto M. Hilty Receives Honorary Doctorate from the University of Buenos Aires

Reto M. Hilty receives an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Buenos Aires for his achievements in the field of Intellectual Property and competition law. The award was presented to him on 31 October by the University Rector Alberto Barbieri.

Professor Hilty at the award ceremony
Reto M. Hilty (left) with Alberto Barbieri at the award ceremony. Photo: UBA

The title Doctor honoris causa (h.c.) is the highest award given by the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) in recognition of special merits. "With his clear analyses, Dr. Hilty has influenced the design of public order and helped to organize social and cultural priorities", said Mariano Genovesi, Secretary General of the University, at the award ceremony. Reto M. Hilty subsequently gave a lecture entitled "Potencial de la Propiedad Intelectual en América Latina".

The Swiss legal scholar is one of the leading experts in the field of Intellectual Property Law and an internationally renowned adviser for legislation, especially in young, emerging economies. He has been Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich since 2002, as well as Full Professor ad personam at the University of Zurich and Honorary Professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.

As part of the research initiative "Smart IP for Latin America", an eight-member research team under his leadership is currently investigating which protection standards in Latin America are beneficial for economic development. The aim of the various individual projects is to further develop the protection systems to make sure the historical, cultural, social, economic and political framework conditions of the various countries can be taken into account appropriately.

The Universidad de Buenos Aires with currently 122,000 students, is the largest university in Argentina. In the "QS World University Ranking", it is ranked 73rd worldwide in 2019, making it the leading university in Latin America and the world's leading Spanish-speaking university. 

For the Max Planck Society research cooperation in Latin America is one of the focal points. The relevance of the University of Buenos Aires manifested itself in a framework cooperation agreement between the two institutions. In March 2014, the Max Planck Society opened its own representative office for Latin America based in Buenos Aires. The office's mission is to maintain and develop relationships with partner organizations, research institutes and universities in key countries in the region.

Miscellaneous  |  10/25/2019

Identity Valley: Digital Revolution Needs Digital Responsibility – A German Initiative For a Valuebased Digitalization

The Identity Valley Initiative is a European reaction to the dominance of the American Silicon Valley bringing together business, science and society to protect personal identity while still enabling digital innovation. Dietmar Harhoff supports the initiative as member of an expert commission.

Figure: IDV.

IDV brings together business, science and society to champion Europe as “the valley” for a credible, transparent and value-based digital economy. The aim of the non-profit platform is to protect personal identity, to promote mutual trust and to enable digital innovation. In understanding identity as the nucleus of value-based digitalization, it creates opportunities for a German-European digital economy.

The initiative creates a forum for entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, and citizens in Europe and wants to promote the trust between man and machine in the age of artificial intelligence. It is about value-based economics, corporate responsibility, a worthy coexistence of man and machine, and identity. Digital identity as well as products and services that respect and protect identities are a critical success factor for the future.

The initiative is supported by several experts from science, industry and society and by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as well as the Bundesverband KI e.V. (German Federal Association for Artificial Intelligence).

Dietmar Harhoff, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and head of the department for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research, explains: “We now need to develop new business models that work on the basis of a controlled approach to data while at the same time providing incentives for innovation. This requires new technical and legal requirements. The Identity Valley launches as a new organization committed to a trusted, privacy and personal identity driven data economy, derived from Europe's humanist tradition.”

More information under

Miscellaneous  |  10/16/2019

The Program is available now! − RISE2 Workshop

On 16 and 17 December 2019, the second Research in Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship Workshop (RISE) will take place at the Institute. The program of the RISE2 Workshop 2019 is now available. The participants can look forward to exciting topics and inspiring scientific exchange.

The workshop was first organized by Junior Researchers in 2018, and is aimed at Ph.D. students and Junior Postdocs worldwide. RISE offers them an opportunity to present their work, receive feedback from experienced researchers and connect with peers from other research institutions. Keynote Speaker of the RISE2 Workshop is Pierre Azoulay, Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Get the program here.
More on the Workshop website RISE2 Workshop.

Miscellaneous  |  10/08/2019

Call for Papers: “TRIPS Flexibilities and Public Health”

The Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and the South Centre are organising an Global Forum on Intellectual Property, Access to Medicines and Innovation. The conference will take place in Munich on 9 and 10 December 2019. The deadline for submitting papers is 15 October 2019.

Miscellaneous  |  09/30/2019

Call for Papers: 14th Workshop “The Organisation, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research”

The Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, the Technical University of Munich and BRICK, Collegio Carlo Alberto, are jointly organising the 14th workshop on “The Organisation, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research” which will take place on 23–24 April 2020 at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Munich. Researchers who would like to present a paper are invited to submit it until 15 January 2020.

We aim to attract contributions from both junior and senior scholars on topics related to the organisation, economics and policy of scientific research. A minimum number of slots are reserved for junior researchers (PhD students or Postdocs who obtained their PhD since 2017).

Contributions are invited on (but not limited to) one or more of the following topics:

  • Evaluation of science policy
  • Role of gender and family in scientific research
  • Organising research activities in universities, PROs and private R&D labs
  • Spillovers from scientific research
  • Collaboration and research networks
  • Scientific careers and mobility
  • Role of ethics, trust and replicability in science

Please submit unpublished papers or extended abstracts (min 3 pages) by 15 January 2020 via We strive to notify submitters by

29 February 2020.

Up to 18 contributions will be selected by a scientific committee based on novelty, academic quality and relevance. All presentations will have a discussant.

See Workshop Website.

Miscellaneous  |  09/18/2019

Leipzig as Seat of the New German Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SprinD)

In July 2019, the SprinD founding commission chaired by Dietmar Harhoff issued recommendations for the new German Agency for Disruptive Innovation. Based on these recommendations, the German Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek, the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier together with the SprinD founding director Rafael Laguna de la Vera have announced their decision on the future location of the agency.

F.l.t.r.: German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Altmaier, German Federal Minister of Education and Research Karliczek and SprinD founding director Laguna de la Vera. Source: BMBF/Hans-Joachim Rickel.

SprinD will have its seat and head office in Leipzig and will be founded as a GmbH (Ltd).

SprinD aims to foster pioneering research with a wide range of application possibilities. The new German Agency for Disruptive Innovation is to promote innovations with radically new technologies and a great potential to change the market with new products, services and value chains.

More on the Commission for the Establishment of SprinD here.

Miscellaneous  |  07/17/2019

Rafael Laguna de la Vera has been appointed founding director of the German Agency for Disruptive Innovation

German Federal Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek and German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier announced the unanimous decision of the Commission for the Establishment of the German Agency for Disruptive Innovation chaired by Dietmar Harhoff: The tech pioneer, founder and innovator Rafael Laguna will be the founding director of the so-called SprinD.

Rafael Laguna de la Vera. Source: Open Xchange

As future location for the new agency the Commission recommends a well-developed urban region with a strong science orientation, e.g., the metropolitan Berlin region.

The final decision on the location is to be made in accordance with the future director. Both ministers thanked the Commission chaired by Dietmar Harhoff for their valuable entrepreneurial, scientific and political input.

SprinD aims to foster pioneering research with a wide range of application possibilities. The new German Agency for Disruptive Innovation is to promote innovations with radically new technologies and a great potential to change the market with new products, services and value chains.

More on the Commission for the Establishment of SprinD here.

Event Report  |  06/24/2019

Munich Summer Institute 2019 − Three Days of Inspiring Scientific Exchange

3 renowned keynote speakers, 19 varied paper presentations, 27 contributions to poster slams, and 114 attendants from over 50 universities and research institutions from the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia and all over Europe: A recap in numbers on the 4th MSI from 17 to 19 June 2019.

Photo: Alexander Suyer

For the fourth time in a row, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities opened its time-honored doors for the Munich Summer Institute (MSI) from 17 to 19 June 2019. A total of 114 attendants experienced three days with an interesting interdisciplinary program comprising 19 paper presentations and discussions as well as an overall number of 27 contributions to the poster slams. Additionally, each conference day also entailed a keynote speech embedded in the research theme of the respective event day.

On day one, organized by the Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization and centered around innovation-related topics on strategy, digitization and organization, Robert Seamans (NYU Stern) refreshingly discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on labor.

Event day two was organized by the Center for Law & Economics of ETH Zurich and offered interesting insights into patent law and copyright-related research in innovation management, including an intriguing keynote speech by Catherine Tucker (MIT Sloan) on Algorithmic Bias.

Co-organized by the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and the Chair for Technology and Innovation Management of TUM, day three of the conference focused on the subject of entrepreneurship & innovation as well as on regulatory aspects and the financing of innovation, with keynote speaker Alfonso Gambardella (Bocconi) discussing a scientific approach to entrepreneurial decision-making.

Since its beginning back in 2016, the MSI aims to facilitate networking within the research community, to foster the international exchange of ideas and to inspire for new projects. Accordingly, the conference is set up as a joint project organized by the Center for Law & Economics of ETH Zurich (Stefan Bechtold), the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Dietmar Harhoff), the Chair for Technology and Innovation Management of TUM (Joachim Henkel) and the Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization of LMU (Jörg Claussen and Tobias Kretschmer).

We thank all organizing parties involved including the speakers, discussants and attendants for a truly outstanding MSI conference 2019 and we look forward to next years’ Munich Summer Institute 2020, which will take place from 2 to 4 June 2020.

Miscellaneous  |  05/16/2019

Dietmar Harhoff hands over the Chair of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation to Uwe Cantner

After twelve years of scientific policy advice to the German Federal Government, the balance is positive, as the researchers state. The Commission has achieved important objectives - many of its recommendations have become reality.

Positive balance after 12 years of scientific policy advice. Photo: Myriam Rion.

The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation - EFI) provides scientific advice to the German Federal Government and periodically delivers reports on research, innovation and technological productivity in Germany. A key task is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the German innovation system in an international comparison. Furthermore, Germany’s perspectives as a location for research and innovation are evaluated on the basis of the latest research findings. EFI presents proposals for national research and innovation policy.

To name a few of the EFI recommendations which have impacted German politics since the first report in 2008:

  • the increase in research and development (R&D) expenditure to 3.5 percent of the gross domestic product (3.5 percent target),
  • the improvement of the framework conditions for venture capital and start-ups,
  • the expansion of Germany's e-Government,
  • a stronger orientation of the German Federal Government towards digitalization and its implications,
  • the introduction of tax incentives for R&D activities, as well as
  • the establishment of a German agency for disruptive innovation.
Miscellaneous  |  05/15/2019

Munich Summer Institute 2019 - The Program

The program of the Munich Summer Institute 2019 is now available. Please see here.

From 17 to 19 June 2019, the Center for Law & Economics at ETH Zurich, the Chair for Technology and Innovation Management at TUM, the Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization at LMU Munich and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition will jointly organize the fourth Munich Summer Institute.

The Summer Institute will focus on three areas:

  • Digitization, Strategy and Organization
    (chairs: Jörg Claussen and Tobias Kretschmer),
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    (chairs: Dietmar Harhoff and Joachim Henkel), and
  • Law & Economics of Intellectual Property and Innovation
    (chair: Stefan Bechtold).

The goal of the Munich Summer Institute is to stimulate a rigorous in-depth discussion of a select number of research papers and to strengthen the interdisciplinary international research community in these areas. Researchers in economics, law, management and related fields at all stages of their career (from Ph.D. students to full professors) may attend the Munich Summer Institute as presenters in a plenary or a poster session, as discussants or as attendants. The Munich Summer Institute will feature three keynote lectures, 18 plenary presentations and a daily poster session (including a poster slam). Paper presentations will be grouped by topics, not discipline or method. The Munich Summer Institute will be held at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the heart of Munich. Participation is by invitation only. The organizers will fund travel and hotel expenses for all plenary speakers and hotel expenses for all poster presenters and invited discussants.

Keynote speakers are:

Further information

More information is available at the MSI website. Any questions concerning the Munich Summer Institute should be directed to Stefan Bechtold, Jörg Claussen, Dietmar Harhoff, Joachim Henkel or Tobias Kretschmer.